Giving In to a Devil?

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The devil made a good point, unfortunately. Xander didn't like Heaven because of how strict the rules were and he didn't want to go back. Besides, he liked the way his gut weighed him down and how overall soft he was.

"Yeah, why should I care? Let's go get something to eat. Well, maybe more than just something."

The devil laughed.

"I knew you would say that!"

"Oh, where are my manners, what's your name?"

"Dante, what's yours?"

"Xander, nice to meet you."

"Funny you should say that, but nice to meet you, too!"

Dante lifted up Xander's shirt and laughed when his belly jiggled.

"My my, you're nice and heavy," Dante said.

"And lazy," Xander said.

"Even better, I don't have to worry about you losing any weight,"

"Keep giving me food and I'll keep eating it."

"Perfect," Dante cooed. "You're already big, but I don't need to do much to keep you getting bigger for me~"

He picked up Xander's belly and dropped it, making Xander's entire body wobble. His gut rested on his thighs in two big rolls and Dante knew that meant he hadn't eaten.

As the train rattled down the tracks, Dante couldn't keep his eyes off Xander. His fat kept shaking and bouncing attractively, which Dante couldn't resist staring at. The train eventually came to a stop and the two walked out. Xander was practically drooling seeing all the food stalls a little way ahead and Dante knew that Xander couldn't help himself.

Xander ran- well, more like walked faster- to the stalls, looking at all the delicious food on the menus.

"Go crazy," Dante said, following Xander to each stall.

At each stall, Xander got enough food for two people and Dante got something small for himself. Once they got to their table, Xander started rapidly shoving handfuls of food into his mouth, moaning at the flavor. Dante nibbled something gently and then started ravenously eating like Xander was. He kept getting more food until he was full to bursting and gave the rest to Xander.

Dante didn't notice his bloated stomach because he was distracted by Xander's belly going from being two rolls to one big gut that wobbled, shook, and groaned with every bite Xander took.

He went to get Xander more food and smelled something amazing at one of the stalls. He recognized it as alcohol, but he couldn't get too much more specific. He got a sample and bought a six pack after the amazing taste hit his mouth. Afterwards, he remembered his mission and got Xander some more food.

The smell of alcohol hit Xander's nose and he smiled at Dante. When he was mortal, Xander loved men with beer bellies and it seemed like Dante couldn't get enough of the stuff. He quickly pushed the food over to Xander and cracked open one of the bottles, chugging it and burping loudly when he finished.

"~oUurp~ oh, Xander, you should try this, it's amazing!"

"I'd rather you put on alcohol weight, Dante."

"Ah, so you like guys with some weight on them, too?"

"I specifically prefer beer bellies on guys, but yeah."

Dante cracked another one and chuckled.

"Well you're in luck, I love this stuff!"

He drained the open bottle and patted his stomach.

"You're going to get sent back to Hell before you get big enough for me, though."

"I can always say no and stay here, I know people who've done that."

"Wait you can just do that?"

"Not so much with the man upstairs, but Satan is chill."

"No fair!"

"It makes sense if you look at it."

He opened yet another bottle and drank it, burping again.

Xander frowned and Dante looked at him quizzically.

"What's wrong?"

"Being an angel sucks!" Xander whined.

"Then don't be,"

"I have to sin enough here for my halo to melt," Xander said, thinking, "wait, give me one of those bottles!"

Dante obliged and Xander drained the whole bottle.

"Oh, that's amazing, can I have the other two?"

"Yeah, let me go get more."

When Dante got back, Xander noticed that his tail got thicker.

"Hey, your tail!"


Dante looked at his tail and noticed its thickness.

"Huh, I wonder why that happened."

"You have more! Give me some!"

"Alright, hold on just a second."

Xander and Dante ate and drank the day away, only noticing when it started getting dark.

"Hey, ~urp~ Xander, it's getting dark out. I have a place to sleep, you want to come?"

"Yeah, if I can even get up now."

On the third try, Xander got up. The last train to Las Vegas came in and they both got on, stomachs full of food and alcohol. Dante had definitely gained weight over the course of the day, as he had a little belly that laid in his lap and his tail was thick and squishy. He kissed Xander on the cheek when they got to their seats, and Xander blushed.

"What was that for?"

"How else am I supposed to show affection?"


"Anyways, it's good for you that I have infinite money, huh?"


"You can be as lazy as you want in a hotel in Vegas, there's lots of alcohol and food nearby,"

Xander started drooling at the prospect and Dante chuckled, patting Xander's gut.

"You're such a fatass, I love it."

The train stopped and both men got out.

"Come on, we're staying at the most expensive hotel and getting the biggest two bed room." Dante said.


Once their room was ready, Xander sat heavily down on the couch.

"I'm hungry," he whined.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll stuff that gut so full you won't want to go anywhere!"

"I can't wait to see what you get me!"

Dante left, smiling widely.

Xander leaned over to the fridge and saw it full of alcohol. He drank three bottles and burped loudly, his belly complaining for food. He massaged his gut until Dante came back with eight bags of takeout.

"Wait a little while longer, there's a lot more I want to get you,"

Xander groaned and complained to himself, but he followed Dante's instructions to wait. When he finally came back, though, Xander was not disappointed.

In total, there were 20 bags of takeout, each filled with boxes and cups of food. Dante set aside two for himself and looked at Xander with a warm grin.

"I'm gonna fill you up until you can't move," Dante said, opening one of the boxes.

He sat next to Xander and twirled the fork he was holding around in the lo mein until he couldn't see any of the fork prongs.

"Open up, Xander~" Dante asked.

The Angel and the DevilOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora