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"You really are a pretty little thing." The older women muttered while glancing at Catrina. "Thanks.. I think." Catrina spoke back. "Can I do your makeup?" Lucy asked practically pushing the girl into Viktoria's vanity seat. "Sure."

"I'll go get our dresses." Viktoria spoke walking into another door that was in her room that Cat assumed was a closet.

Catrina hadn't seen her sister since that morning, not
wanting to be forced to talk to people she didn't want to know. She much preferred Lucy's company, if she couldn't get away with hanging out in her room then Lucy seemed like the next best option. She liked the blonde bubbly girl, she talked a mile per minute and always had something nice to say. And she seemed really close to Viktoria, who although seemed pretty closed off Cat could tell Viktoria only wanted to look after Lucy.

"So have you had any suitors?" Lucy questioned causing Catrina to laugh. "No, not since I was younger. College takes up most of my time." Lucy nodded but Viktoria spoke up from the closet "pity, you'd make a beautiful bride."

"I'm sure I'll meet someone." Cat shrugged "you will." Lucy agreed. As she started applying eyeshadow. "Do you want kids?" It was Viktoria who asked the question next "one day." Cat answered before asking the same question "we are unable." Viktoria told her causing Cat to glance at there sorrowful faces. "I'm sorry.  Have you thought of adoption, it's not the same but you could still be mothers."

"It'd be a long conversation to have with our husbands." Lucy spoke up. "Your married?" Catrina questioned again. "Yeah, they are unable to be here for the wedding. Our husbands are close friends they work at the same firm and are away for the time being."

"There." Lucy muttered, "you can do your hair. While Vikki and I start our makeup." And that's just what she did, she scrunched gel into her wet curls to prevent possible frizziness while tying a cute space bun on the top of her head. When she was finished she washed her hands then offered to curl Lucy's hair as it was getting very close to the time they needed to arrive at the party. Lucy's hair didn't take long to curl as it was short and pretty thin. "Don't breath." She muttered to the bubbly girl as she picked up a bottle of hair spray and sprayed the blondes hair.

Viktoria's hair took longer, both girls working to straighten her hair. Her hair was thick and long and in some places it didn't want to straighten but after fighting for 30 extra minute everyone's hair and makeup was done to perfection as the girls put on their dresses.

Lucy had been right, the dress she picked out for her really was perfect. It was was a lighter green satin dress that hugged her waist. It had a high slit showing off her tattoo that both girls gushed over. They loved the ink on her skin.

"I'll introduce you to my sister." Cat spoke as she clipped the belt of her heels. Lucy latched onto Catrina arm while Viktoria held onto the Jackson girls hand as they walked outside where a dance floor had been placed on the grass with canopy's gathered around the grass with tables under them, they had waitresses serving alcohol and deserts.

"She's not here yet." She muttered to the girls "wish they'd play more upbeat music so we could dance."

"We can still dance love." Viktoria spoke wrapping her arms around the two girls waist and pulling them to the dance floor. Catrina smiled as she danced extremely close to the two girls, she enjoyed how welcoming they were toward her. It was slow but all three girls moved there hips to the beat making the beat seem much more sexual.

And Catrina had never been more comfortable in a crowded area then she was in that very moment.

But it came to an end as Catrina was introducing her two new friends to her sister, and longing for the man that was practically on his knee for Evie. She knew in that moment, Walter would never look at her like he was looking at Evelyn.

She watched as the dance ended and Walter made his way over to the three girls. He offer the two girls by her side a hand. Both of them immediately accepting, but Lucy turned around and offered Catrina her free hand "dance with us."

Catrina accepted, and she watched as Walter and Viktoria danced together first. Herself and Lucy holding one another just as close. Before she was twirled into Walters arms and Viktoria into Lucy's.

"Woah" she muttered as she lost her balance falling into him. She smiled brightly "I see you've made friends."

"They're very nice." She told him "nice is not a word people use to describe Viktoria." She let out a laugh, "I bet her husband would disagree." She watched as Walter glanced over at the two other women before looking back at her. "I'm sure he would."

"How's things going with my sister?" She questioned wanting him so badly to say that he wasn't interested in Evie. "She's very opinionated." He told her watching as she let out a laugh. "But you like her?" She questioned again causing Walter to smile lightly at her "I like you both, you've brought excitement back into my home."

She frowned lightly, that didn't answer her question. "Did you enjoy your swim?" He question as he twirled her around once more. "Yes, to have something like that in your backyard is a dream." She told him, she was absolutely in love with the beauty this property held. It was quite and private something she wasn't use to in New York. "I hope you decide to stay." Walter spoke seeming to have some meaning behind it. "I have school, it starts soon. I have to be back by the end of next week."

She watched as Walter seemed to think for a moment "does working make you happy?" He questioned causing the girl to shrug "kids make me happy, and reading and writing. So I suppose, after I graduate I'll be very happy."

"You could always marry me" Walter spoke again "I could make you happy." He started causing Cat to almost trip in surprise.  But she noticed the teasing tone in his voice "Walter" she muttered

"I would buy you all the books you could ever want. love, you could stay." He laughed although he held a joking tone he sounded serious, It seemed he was trying to convince her. And it sounding appealing but she wanted to finish school. She still had two years left. "I have to go home." She told him "even if it's only for a short time."

"Very well, you still could say yes darling." Walter spun the girl one more time as the song ended. "But the offer still stands." He told her "you would really marry me?" She question "If you said yes." He told her.

Her eyes widened in surprise before she was swept away by Viktoria. "C'mon Cat, let's go get some food."
She heard the girl mutter under her breath but she was to stunned to ask her what she said. "I think I want to go to my room."

And that's where Viktoria took her inside and upstairs "get some sleep." And like that she stripped of her dress not bothering to hang it up or put on anything else and she collapsed in her bed.

She wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't tempted, the man was handsome and charming. He was a complete dream. She couldn't deny that the offers he made her weren't tempting either. She really did consider it, the idea that maybe she could have the fairytale story that she's read about her entire life making it sound more and more appealing.

But she couldn't agree to it right?

He was just joking right?

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