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"He attacked the Alexander's." Walter spoke loudly walking into the room were the girls were lounging. "Who?" Catrina questioned.

"Dimitri." Walter answered causing Catrina to roll her eyes "does it effect us?" She questioned having no sympathy towards any relative that wasn't Evie. "If he makes the rest of the coven fear him it could. He could challenge me." Walter ran his hands through his messy hair seeming to be extremely stressed out. "I should've killed him."

"Love no." Lucy muttered walking forward to grab his hand to pull him to sit down on the couch. "He wouldn't be stupid enough to challenge you."
Viktoria nodded "he wouldn't win even if he did. Walter you have nothing to worry about."

Catrina couldn't help be feel slightly scared at the situation now that it was explained. Was that what Dimitri was doing? putting fear into the three families to try and take Walter's place as the covens patriarch. Catrina felt horrible thinking about it more, how was it that the only remaining member of Walter's family was out to destroy them?

But Catrina could see the worry on their faces as the possible threat lingered in the air. Lucy seemed quiet, so unlike the bubbly optimistic girl Catrina had gotten to know and Viktoria was rubbing Walter's shoulders though she seemed to be just as tense as the older male. "What will happen if he would try to turn the coven against us?" Catrina questioned.

"We'd fall apart, if the coven starts separating to follow Dmitri then he'll gain more strength. He could challenge Walter." Viktoria told her while still trying to comfort Walter. "So how do we stop that?" Catrina questioned "is there a way to stop him before he does that?"

"We could kill him before he gains followers." Viktoria spoke softly to Walter who seemed to think on the idea. "We'd have to find him first, he could be anywhere by now." Walter told them.

"So let's find him." Catrina spoke "do you have friend, a trusted members of the coven to help?" Walter nodded "one." He told her "so send him to the surrounding country's, have him figure out where Dmitri is." Catrina told him causing the man to stand pulling his phone if of his pocket to make a call.

Catrina glanced down at the book he had been reading, she was trying to start studying for finals that was in six weeks but her brain couldn't concentrate anymore with a possible threat hanging over their heads.

How was she suppose to comfort them when she couldn't even comfort herself. Not even moments later the De Ville's heard the sound of there front door slamming open and the sounds of people yelling Walter's name in anger.

The group of four got of from their places and quickly walked toward the commotion that was the three founding members of each family and a young advisors. "Always a pleasure." Walter spoke "what seems to be the problem gentlemen?"

"You are making stupid decisions boy." The same man from the pass couple weeks, George spoke. Catrina was honestly surprised to see him. "And what stupid decision have I made?" Walter questioned angrily.
"You said years ago that Dimitri would have be problems for this coven." The man from Viktoria family spoke. She thought his name was John. "But here he is trying to kill the members of this coven."

"It is being dealt with." Walter spoke "not well enough." Catrina's uncle Albert spoke. "Why don't we go into the dinning room and talk about this, civilly."
Catrina spoke. The men seemed to like the idea while the women went to the kitchen to drain a maid to serve them blood. Something the girls figured would calm the situation down a little.

Lucy served the men they're cups of blood then the three girls sat down around Walter all of them ignoring the glares from the men. They still had a problem with the three girls now involving themselves in the important conversations but they didn't utter a word about it.

"I've put my families lives in your hands and you don't seem to be capable of protecting us anymore." Albert spoke again causing Catrina to roll her eyes not being able to hold her tongue as the words left her mouth "you've all still alive aren't you?" She questioned "so how about you be advisors and help us figure out how to find Dimitri before he hurts someone else."

George glared at her but the men started discussing more possible ways to try and find Dimitri. The girls stayed silent for the most part, only giving input when they felt it was needed. Hours passed and Walter finally convinced them to leave to inform the others of the looming threat.

"He's coming after your coven." Mr. fields spoke as he shut the door behind the guest. Walter glared harshly at the wall "then let him come, he better be ready for a fight."


So I decided to do this small idea I had before jumping into the more romantic and family side that I wanted to explore with this story.
This act will be following this part of the story line with slight romance and spicy scenes.

I know this is a smaller chapter but I needed a filler before writing the bigger one.

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