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"Life tried to crush her, but only succeeded in creating a diamond." John Mark Green



"I'm worried out of my mind." Jem discarded his fork, which rather dramatically cascaded to the floor of Peter and Belle's dining room with a clatter of noise. Jem winced, hoping that the children, who were sleeping not far from them in the nursery, would not awaken. "You should have seen her last night. You should have seen her today!"

Jack and Claire had joined Jem in dining with Peter and Belle that evening, and all had become well versed in Belle's theory. Jem had about confirmed it without any concrete evidence of his own save for knowing Cressie better than anyone.

"But what did she say?" Peter pressed.

"Nothing outwardly," Jem huffed. "That is my point. It is in her looks. You all remember her from five years ago, don't you? I know Belle at least does. Forget her thin appearance, one need only see in her eyes that there is no life in her."

"I confess I did not recognise her until I heard her young charge refer to her by name," Claire added. "She was, indeed, very gaunt. But I do recall her spirited nature. Don't you, Jack? She had a rather wicked way with her mother."

Jack sheepishly shook his head. "I have probably met several dozen young ladies since then so I must admit that my memory of the girl is rather foggy. But the lady last night was very reserved and skittish, almost like a doe who'd given up before a hunter."

"How many women you have occasion to meet in your business, dear," Claire said nonchalantly as she took a sip from her wine glass. Jack appeared ready to defend himself before Claire winked at him, setting him at ease. Everyone knew that Jack was a champion of women writers.

"Can we please focus?" Jem begged, reclaiming the attention of his siblings and siblings-in-law. "Won't you trust me? I saw her in there briefly, in her eyes I mean. It was as though her body was a prison and she was trapped inside. When I knew Cressie, there was never a girl more filled with life and ambition. She liked to run to get places faster and she dreamed of seeing the ocean!" Jem cried with exasperation. "Please. Something is happening, or has happened, and I don't know what to do. What am I allowed to do? What is appropriate? How can I ever speak to her?"

Both couples exchanged glances of sympathy, but nobody offered Jem any words of wisdom for several moments. Jem was so panicked that he was panting, his hands balled into fists atop the table near where he had abandoned his supper.

"Jem, I do not know if there is anything you can do," Jack said quietly. "Cressie is not a distressed maiden, but a married lady. A lady, I might add, who now belongs to a very rich and influential man."

"She doesn't belong to anyone," Jem snapped back with frustration. "What sort of idea is that? Do you consider Claire your property? Do you consider it of Belle?" he charged Jack and Peter both.

"Of course not," Jack replied immediately, his voice firm as he took Claire's hand, holding it between their place settings.

"Jem, you know exactly my position on such a notion of human ownership," added Peter tensely. Belle had reached out to him as well.

"I would never profess to own my wife, to be her keeper or her master," Jack continued. "I would never control her, and should she decide to pack up and leave me tomorrow, she would be free to do so." Jem knew that Jack was speaking theoretically for the benefit of his point, but he could see a flash of pain and fear in his eyes as the words escaped his mouth. Jack did not appear to be able to stomach even the idea of Claire leaving him.

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