Chapter 12- Miles

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"Host, you are hungry. You must eat."

Miles pressed both hands to his ears, humming loudly to ignore the Walrider and his roaring stomach. Sure he was hungry, but he was also exhausted. He just wanted to sleep.

"You know that doesn't work. We can still communicate with You."

"What if I don't wanna listen to your bullshit anymore? Is there an off switch on you?"

"We do not understand that comment. We need food to function. Give Us food, Host."

Miles had his fair share of shitty living spaces. When he was eighteen, he was kicked out and homeless, confined to sleeping in his jeep.

Later on he moved in with his then boyfriend, who lived in the shadiest tenants known to man. The neighbors were drunk every single night, partying nonstop and screaming their heads off. He never had a good night's sleep when he lived there.

And yet, those obnoxious neighbors didn't even begin to scratch the surface of how annoying the Walrider was. Not only was the Walrider his permanent roommate, but they were stuck in his head all the damn time. He couldn't even sleep without hearing their quips.

He rolled over on his stomach, and stretched like a cat on the surface of car seats in the back. They were quiet now. Maybe he could close his eyes and doze off for a few seconds, he would be fine. He had slept in the jeep dozens of nights before, this would be no different-


Miles groaned. "What?"

"We require nutrients."

"I'll get some food in the morning, shut the fuck up now and lemme sleep."

"No, Host. Now."

"Five more minutes." He scrambled for his phone. It read 2:34am. He tossed it to the ground and lay back down. "2am? How can I be hungry at 2am?"

"As our Host, you have a stronger appetite thanks to your connection to Us."

"Well too bad for us, because I don't know this area at all, and I certainly don't know if anyone would let me order food at this hour," Miles murmured, letting his stomach growl. "And I didn't pack any snacks before you ask. The hospital might have a vending machine, but I don't wanna attract any attention."

"Might We propose a suggestion?"

"Sure, shoot."

"We could go hunting." The Walrider's dark strands twisted around him, almost like an embrace. A really cold embrace. It was hard getting used to that without shivering.

"Hunting?" He scrunched his nose, thinking they were joking. "For what, a deer? There aren't any woods nearby even if I wanted to do that. Which I don't."

"No, Host, let Us explain our thought process. You will find a defenseless human wandering alone. You will creep towards it without it noticing, because they are not smart. We will help attack them, and then you will consume its flesh as it screams in ago-"

"What the fuck, no!" Miles tried to slap away the wisps, only for it to disappear. "I am not eating a person either! Gross!"

He had seen Variants eat dead bodies before. When he saw it, he had wanted to throw up, and nearly did. He couldn't imagine being so hungry, so desperate to eat another man. The thought of even breaking the skin with his teeth made him gag.

The Walrider acted like a human in some ways, from the way they spoke and certain mannerisms. But the more he listened, the worse he felt being attached to them.

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