Epilogue- Waylon

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It didn't take long to return to Waylon's neighborhood. Miles drove mostly in silence, save for him occasionally humming along to a random Carly Rae Jepsen song. It was strange, the two of them had hardly known each other for long, and yet they were driving along as though they were buddies on a road trip. Waylon wasn't sure if he should feel happy or somber that their time together would be ending soon.

"Remember what to do?" Miles had asked, turning the car down the next corner. "I'll email you my footage..."

"I'll combine it with my own, then you'll send it off to Simon Peacock of VIRALleaks, so he can verify it. He worked at Murkoff, you probably know that."

"Yeah, I got it."

Miles nodded. "The rest of it is up to you. Stay safe, alright? Keep your family close."

"I will. You too. Do you know where you're going?"

Miles turned away and frowned, focusing on the road instead of answering.

"You could always come stay with us, Lisa wouldn't mind if I explained---"

"No. I need to figure out this whole Walrider business and I don't want your family getting hurt. I'll be fine, I'll probably head back to D.C. S' where all my shit is."

"Keep in touch."

"I will."

When they arrived at the house, Waylon couldn't hold back his enthusiasm as finally reunited with Lisa. She was in the garden watering some flowers when the jeep pulled into the driveway. Her confusion changed to pure joy once Waylon stepped, or rather stumbled outside into the sunshine. It was a moment straight out of a Hallmark movie.

How he wanted to spin her around in the air---had it not been for the cane he was forced to carry. Still, their embrace was long and much needed, and he never wanted to let go.

The boys came out shortly after. Nicky was in pure disbelief, eyes nearly popping out of his skull at the sight of his father, and running at full speed to join the group hug, chatting the entire time and asking all sorts of questions. Waylon fondly ruffled his oldest son's dark curls. Little Ollie toddled not as quickly as his brother, but just as eager to meet with them. He must have been gone for longer than he thought, for the last time he saw the 14-month-old, he was still crawling. Soon he would be joining his brother and causing chaos around the house.

Miles had stayed hidden the entire time, purposely making himself scarce . He made it clear that he didn't want to cause any distress by his appearance, worsened by the Walrider's influence. He also made it clear he was in a rush to not make small talk. No, instead Waylon decided it was best he explain to Lisa the situation in private. He hadn't a chance to say goodbye before realizing that Miles had already left. He was unsure if he should have felt relieved, or somber at the loss of his only friend at the asylum.

The following days were a blur. Lisa had reacted with outrage at the news once she had learned everything, and agreed to help as much as she possibly could, though she was reluctant at first. Waylon had already put himself out there by emailing news sources, but this seemed far more dangerous. The risks were grave, they knew that. So they took extra precautions. Lisa's parents had been notified and even agreed to let the Parks stay with them for as long as they needed. He didn't like involving them in this, but it wasn't like they had any other options.

It would all be fine. He would recover physically and mentally soon enough. Mount Massive and Murkoff would be behind them soon enough.

The sick scent of coppery blood filled his nostrils, waking him immediately from whatever state he was in. He had stopped running hours ago from the Variants chasing him. Or was it something else? It all seemed a blur.

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