CHAPTER 1-Unwanted Mission! Beacon!

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(Y/n): "This is bullshit!!" he curses loudly as he used a hard-light whip to slice a table in half in anger.

He was just informed of his mission's details by Maine.

Pilar: "Woah bro chill!" he said, his legs spread out as he was almost sliced as well.

(Y/n): "Shut up Pilar!"

[Pilar Owned Counter: 1]

Pilar: "dude you almost cut me in half with your whips!!" he complains.

Rebecca bonked him on the head hard.

Rebecca: "Let my man blow some steam!!" she scolds.

Pilar: "if it gets me killed I wont." he retorts.

Rebecca looks forward before dashing to the right. Pilar looked forward to be hit in the face by a table that (Y/n) threw. This knocked him out and flipped him onto his ass as well as pushing the couch he was on to its back.

Lucy: "Babe, calm down." she said calmly, trying to calm her boyfriend down.

(Y/n): "calm down!? I have to go to Beacon Academy! A place where I 100% have to deal with my old Family!!" he shouted loudly as the white of his eyes were slowly turning black.

Lucy: "Babe Stop! You're going Code Black!" she says worriedly and urgently as she grabbed his shoulders.

Rebecca rushed over and hugged him from behind. The black in his eyes reseed and his eyes return to normal. Lucy and Rebecca sigh in relief as they prevented him from unintentionally going Code Black. He's not himself when he goes Code Black. 

Lucy gently rests her forehead against his. Rebecca picked up his helmet from the ground as it was on the table and put it on a chair in the room. Lucy's hands move from his shoulders to (Y/n)'s cheeks.

Lucy: "Don't worry. We'll be with you every step of the way. I promise." she said, comfortingly.

(Y/n) gently grabs her wrists and just holds them. Lucy smile slightly before closing what little distance they had and kissed him. He returned it quickly. Rebecca didn't like that Lucy was getting the most affection.

Rebecca: "hey! What about me!?" she whines angrily.

(Y/n) scoffs in amusement while Lucy rolled her eyes as they parted from the kiss. (Y/n) was about to walk towards Rebecca but she beat him to it and basically tackled him to the ground. Now on the ground, the two broke into a make out session. Not the first time Rebecca's been this bold.

Someone then clears their throat getting their attention. Rebecca sits up while still sitting on (Y/n) who simply looked up. At the door to the room was (Y/n)'s second teammate, Seeker. Best Sniper the Crew has.

Seeker: "Don't mean to interrupt any romantic deeds. But we gotta go." he said.

Rebecca pouts before she is then lifted off (Y/n) and held by Mallory who suddenly showed up.

Rebecca: "Put me down Mallory!!"

Mallory puts Rebecca onto her own two feet. (Y/n) gets off the ground and Seeker walks into the room.

(Y/n): "So, where's Palmer's team?" he asks.

Seeker: "they will meet us there." he said. "also, apparently you have an unanswered Call from Harriet."

(Y/n): "ah geez."

Mallory: "Isn't she an Atlas Huntress?" she asks.

(Y/n): "She is. But that doesn't mean I hate her. I hate the Atlas Council and the other Rich bastards of Atlas. Not the Kingdom itself. But anyways, Seeker. You're gonna have to sit this one out." he said.

CYBERSASSIN (Male Abused Reader X RWBY X Cyberpunk Edgerunners)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu