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 14 October 1999 

Friendly next-next-door neighbor
Hwang Seongja

        Dear Madam Hwang,

        The birthday party yesterday was exceptional. I must apologize - it seems that although I was named co-host, I have done little in the preparation of this party, and instead most of the work was done by you. Please know that I am immensely grateful for the hospitality and warmth that you and your family have extended to me and my son. Watching you handle the group of children yesterday ... I can only wish to have half of your patience and strength.

I am also aware of the, uh, unfortunate incident that transpired yesterday between the birthday boy and girl. Please allow me to apologize on Tae-geun's behalf - he should not have pushed Jaesan's face into the cake. It was ill mischief on his part, and he has been severely reprimanded. My apologies once again.

Best regards,
Hak Sang-Ook

Dr. Hak Sang-Ook

        Nonsense! Didn't you pay for all the food and decorations of the party - as well as bought everyone an extra round of ice-cream afterwards? You've done just about as much as I have, if I may say so. As for my handling of the fifteen children - ha! When you've got four rapscallion daughters like mine, the world could end and you'll still be there folding blankets and putting all their toys away that they never cleaned up ... but look at me rambling again. I could out-talk a parrot, as my husband likes to say.

        Now don't you fret about that accident yesterday, it was a small matter and I'm quite sure little Tae-geun didn't mean it. All he wanted to do was reach for his birthday candles ... with so many children jostling about, someone must have knocked his elbow into Jaesan's head. An unfortunate little accident, is all, and nothing to worry about.

        If anything I should be apologizing for Jaesan punching him in the face. Really, I don't know where she gets her temper! We've taken away her teddy bear as punishment and she's kicking up a right fuss about it ... I really hope little Tae-geun's nose is okay.

        Come for a chat once in awhile!

Your friendly neighbor,
Hwang Seongja

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