One Year Later

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Detective Barnes was not ready for the day. There was a call about a rogue robot in the middle of an old house on the Denver outskirts. So, they retrieved it and brought it back to the precinct. However, due to its appearance, a... specialist was called.

Izuku Midoriya.

He was an intimidating person to most, and the officers there were hesitant to bring him in, but there was no choice.

A portal opened up outside the station, and the man exited. He was taller than most, at roughly 8 ft tall. His lanky, half mechanical form was unnerving, and his personality often put those he disliked on edge. Barnes himself had never met the man before now. However, today he was completely serious, unlike his usual self. Leaning down to get inside, he was slightly annoyed that the height of the precinct wasn't enough to accommodate him. When he approached the receptionist, he asked, "Hello, I believe I was called?"

 When he approached the receptionist, he asked, "Hello, I believe I was called?"

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More than a little intimidated, her voice caught in her throat. "Ah... yes... Detective Barnes will meet with you..."

He cleared his throat, getting the mechanical man's attention on him, instead of the secretary. While she was a cop, she was also a rookie, and that level of indimidation really only came from high class villains. Not something she should experience cold turkey. "Ah-hem, yeah, follow me."

As they walked, Izuku asked, "So, I heard there was a... robot... that you found?"
The detective answered the question, as it was the reason the man was here. "Yeah. It apparently has human remains inside of it. Rotten beyond recognition."
The tall humanoid sighed, his voice conveying the weight of the tragedy, surprising Burns with his care for the victim, even if he never knew them. "Poor soul... but... why call me in? I assume you have more experienced technicians..."
And here was the crux of why they called him here. "It's not about what it is, but what it looks like. It looks like it belongs to that company you established."
"Oh?" He was genuinely surprised, then had his expression harden... as if he recognized a pattern. It was very similar to Burns when he was on the case. "Now you've got my full attention."

"It keeps getting better." Barnes replied, easing up now that he can tell that the man meant well, but just has an unsettling appearance. "It's like a prototype version of your main robot. Fred... bear, was it?"
The man corrected him after he said the last word, a slight glimpse of irritation lacing his voice. A stickler for details, something very useful for a businessman like himself. And for a detective like Barnes. "Freddy Fazbear."
The detective just shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to argue. It was then that they arrived. As soon as Izuku entered, he sat before it, cross legged. It was already cramped for him, as he looked over the mechanics. While that was Katsumi's expertise, he still knew enough to identify if this belonged to him.

Looking over the design, he found it gaudy and ugly. He would never make this. Katsumi certainly wouldn't. An all white and pink design, albeit faded, with a missing left hand and dented and dirty exterior. Its eyes had blue painted irises. There were no identifying markers on its exterior.

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