Millie's First Day

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Izuku woke up. Well, waking up wasn't really a thing with him. Nor with Millie. The dead don't need rest, and their mechanical bodies don't feel fatigue. However, he kept the schedule same as Kat. If only to put them on the same level. He still got up earlier than her. She was a night owl, and hated mornings. It was then that Millie arrived in the living area, feeling it was time to see the world again. "Hi, Izuku."

Smiling, he continued breakfast preparations. "Hello, Millie. Have a good evening?"
She nodded, walking over to him. Kat had built her body to robot perfection, and it still amazed her how human she seemed. She did get rid of some of the superfluous details. Like the spikes on her shoulders and elbows. Those were safety hazards. "I did. I fully understand my new body. I have to say, thank you for everything you and Kat have done."
He waved her off, downplaying his own involvement. "It's nothing, really... I do have a question, though, if you'll indulge my curiosity?"

Of course she would at this point. "Yes?"
There was a pause, before he asked, "Did you ever try to possess that bear?"
It was a heavy question. It was clear that he had certainly possessed the Bonnie animatronic, especially since his new body bore similarities to it. At least in appearance. The bunny ears, for one, Why is one missing half...? "I... well... I did at the start, but its programming made it hard to control. It was always driving me to kill, and I just didn't want to. So, I used up its battery. Making it impossible to do anything else, and making sure it couldn't hurt anyone else."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't want to kill. I sure as hell didn't, but I had to." He contemplated the past for a moment before he heard the sizzle of the pan. The Pancakes were close to burning.

Noticing this, Millie was confused. They were robots, and Kat was still asleep. "You're... making breakfast?"
"Yes. While I don't have to eat, I can for bonus fuel for my internal reactor. You can too. She even programmed taste buds. Want some?"
She brightened up at that, not even knowing that she could taste anything. I mean, the schematics showed a mouth, with teeth and even a throat... but it didn't describe eating functions. If it could taste, than she could eat those delicious looking pancakes for the first time in centuries. "Yes please!"

Nodding with approval, he stated, "It'll take a minute. Could you get Kat?"
"Yes sir!" She did a small, informal salute before rushing off, while he chuckled at the antics. A second chance at life was good for her. "So full of energy. It's like I was when I first got this fusion powered body..." He turned back to the food. He had bacon sizzling on a separate pan. Balancing the two, he placed the first ones onto a side plate, and began the next batch when Millie and Kat entered their communal kitchen. 

Kat was tired, but beaming, excited for her favorite breakfast item. She'd become addicted when arriving in the states, so it became mandatory to learn to make them. "Pancakes! You really spoil me sometimes, Izu!"

Laughing he gestured to the premade plate. "Yeah, well, perks of being an early riser. First batch is up. I'll just make one more and join you."


When Izuku finally sat down with the other two, he started with the plan for the day. "So, today's rather different, Kat."

"How so?" Kat asked, while Millie only listened. She didn't know the intricacies of what they were speaking, and hoped that it would be clearer. Running an amusement park like this had to take a lot of skill.

Finishing the last batch, he grabbed a plate and sat down with a small stack."For one, we have a whole group of All Access Passes coming in sometime this week."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she did not need this stress right now with Freddy's issues. "How. Many?"
He replied, seriousness punctured by the stab of sarcasm. "Oh, just all of class A. Received a call from Principal Yaoyorozu about it."
She frowned, not liking where this conversation was going. "I see. So 21 of them?"

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