Chapter 4: Lucy

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Two days later

Without a second thought, I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him on the lips. I felt him freeze because I surprised him. But after a second I felt him kiss me back which made my mind even more blurry than it already was. I couldn't think anymore, could barely keep standing up cause my knees felt like they could collapse any second. All I could do was obey this inner feeling that was literally pulling me toward Tim. I happily listened. The kiss had sent up a storm in my lower belly and I felt things I hadn't felt before, like ever. Suddenly Tim backed out in the middle of our moment which confused me. That is until I heard a second knock on the door.

I brutally wake up from my memory dream and see Tamarra looking at me.

"Hey," I say, "Are you on your way to school?"

"In a sec!"

"Ok, you should take the long way, they already started blocking off some streets at the courthouse". I tell her.

"Yeah, I know. You told me. I could skip a class if you wanna hang out. We could go see a movie, go to lunch".

"I'm gonna be fine, I won't be anywhere near Rosalind. Tim and I are station bound, waiting for the phone to ring".

"On your undercover thing?" she asks


"Is this the same undercover thing you and Tim were discussing the other night?" Tamarra says with a smirk on her face.

"I told you that kiss didn't mean anything," I say firmly.

But this kid saw more than I did and says "Right... it was for the case, undercover make-out session... with your boss. Anyway, have a great day with your boss". Tamarra leaves the door open as she walks out.

After she has left for school I started thinking back to my dream. Did I fall that hard for him, that I was dreaming about him? Wait... did I fall for him? Was I the only one who felt like this? Or was he also feeling whatever this was? Ugh, why couldn't I just stop thinking about him??

I get up and make myself breakfast, next thing I know I'm heading out the door and off to work. 

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