Viral Epidemic

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If i had to name the five things many humans on planet earth take for granted every single day and don't even realize it. It would be the five senses, of smell, taste, feel, sight, and in my case.. sound. Ironically, sound was never something i took for granted, quite frankly i cherished every moment that was brought to me musically, soundly, and melodically. And it's not just because i fell in love with music at such a young age. But music has always been my calling, something i can understand like it's my first language. Ask my parents, at just an infant i was responding to sounds instead of speech. I'm assuming that's when my parents knew i was going to be a musician. 

I didn't know if it was because my mother was always listening to classical music when i was in the womb, or that my father was a orchestra instructor. I guess you could say music was in my veins. Speaking of my time in the womb, i was born prematurely, just a month before my due date. It gave my parents quite a shock, as my mother was forced to undergo a C section, and has been left with a scar ever since. I have a sister, her name's Hailee. She is literally my other half, don't think i would be able to walk through life without her. 

After i discovered my love for music, i felt drawn to the cello. I'll never forget when i saw a professional playing the cello for the first time ever. My father and i had bonded over scores for movies and what not, every time a certain movie came on i was always captivated by the score never the cinematography. So dragging my entire family to a recital instead of the movie theaters, when i was around eight years old, made complete sense to them. I remember sitting in the first row, and watching this woman, sit behind this giant instrument, and you could just feel her pour her entire heart into each movement and sound. It was like every time a musician had something to say, they would speak from there heart through there instrument, as the instrument translated there words into song.

 A song that only a person like me, could understand. 

I was fascinated to say the least, after the recital, i told my parents i wanted to take cello lessons, pronto. As they laughed, telling me that would be a big responsibility, and very expensive. But i was up for the challenge. I rented out a cello at a nearby music store, and went to my classes after school. Joined orchestra in school all the way into middle school. Then i picked up the violin and could never put it down. I convinced my parents i would play both, as they looked at me like i was insane. But i wanted to be a jack of all trades when it came to instruments, learning to play as many as i could. It wasn't like i was a person with a lot of friends, i started to dedicate my entire life to music. 

Because it was one thing i understood completely, and somehow, i know it sounds crazy, but it understood me. 

There isn't a feeling like it, the way the strings hum and harmonize with each other as i brush my bow back and forth on this masterpiece of art. The way the music not only reaches my ears but floods through my entire body, i can feel it in my heart, in my hands, in my head, everywhere. it's euphoric, and it's infinite. I was never interested in being the best at i what i loved, i just wanted to play and keep playing, in several different ways, with several different tunes. I wanted to keep learning different techniques and songs. But never to be a professional. Just cause i could never get enough. My teacher noticed my apparent talent, and gave me a solo in a recital i was preparing for in my orchestra class.

 I had never known for a violinist or cello artist to have a solo before, at least not at my school. But somehow i gotten it. I remember getting ready that day, and feeling on top of the world, as i pulled on my black dress i had bought, out shopping with my sister on the weekend. My hair was short and brunette, came to my shoulders, and complimented my outfit. As i smiled in my tall mirror within my bedroom, i practiced my bow in the mirror, as my sister laughed in the doorway. "Hailee.." i said, as i groaned, she just chuckled to herself before clapping, obviously mocking me. "I just don't wanna look ridiculous" i said, as i straightened out my dress. 

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