Explosive Obliteration

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"I'm tired" Hailee signs, as i let go of her arm as she drops to the ground next to me. "You're tired? i'm the one hauling your ass around everywhere, i think i should have the right to say i'm tired" i sign, she glared at me, then we both burst into laughter. "I am so hungry" she signed, as she placed a hand on her stomach. I could feel my stomach rumbling as well, as i looked at our surroundings, before seeing a town in the distance. "Hailee!" i sign, as she looks in my direction before following my gaze. I point, as she takes my hand, while i help her to her feet. 

The small town was vacant, trash was filling the streets, people were absent, and to be honest if you ask me. Black eyed walkers probably considered this there hangout. "A pharmacy" she signed, as i saw the sign in front of us. "Slowly" i sign, as she nods, taking small steps with me as we approach the entrance. The place was dark, even though it was daylight outside, i eye the floor, seeing an abandoned flashlight. Reaching for it, i turn it on, and peer around the room. 

"Pain relief should be back there" Hailee points, to the pills section, as i nod. "Stay close" i sign. "Okay" she signs, as i grab a few things from the shelf next to us. Tampons, breakfast bars, waters, band aids, and other things we could use on the go. I pile them all into a bag, where i found a section of back to school supplies. Then i head over to the pill section with Hailee, as she searches through Advil and a few other pain relief pills. We place a few in the bag i found, before Hailee flinches. "What is it?" i sign, as she looks at me, wide eyed. "I heard something" she said, as i then realize she's not wearing her headphones. 

"Hailee, how could you take off your noise cancelling headphones? you need those to survive! what if we ran into one of those walkers? or monsters of some sort?" i sign, as she shakes her head. "Harriet listen to me, there's someone back there" she signs, pointing to the bathrooms behind us. The door was scratched and cracked open, as blood was smeared over the women's restroom sign. And to my surprise, a gun was laying on the floor. I raised my hands, keeping Hailee behind me, as i walked slowly to the restroom door.

 "Careful" Hailee signed, as i looked at her. 

"What do you hear?" i sign, as she listens, "some kind of moaning, like someone's in pain" she signed, as i looked back over at the door. "They could be infected, put your headphones back on" i sign, as i pick up the gun. Never held one in my life, so it was heavier than i assumed. And it only had three bullets left, something obviously happened here. "But Harriet if-" she started, "Hailee put your headphones back on!" i sign loudly, as she huffs before placing them back on. 

I then reach the door, as Hailee places her hand on my back. "Let me do it" she signs, as i frown. "Let me confront them, i heard them, i'm older than you, and i should be the one protecting you" she signed, as i rolled my eyes, placing the gun in her hand. She then steps in front of me, as she slowly opens the door, holding the flashlight and the gun in her hand as she looks around the room. Before stopping in a corner, near the door. "It's a woman" she signed, taking a step closer to her. The woman was holding her stomach, which was bleeding out, her face was scratched and her eye was bruised. 

Seeing her like this was bringing back horrific memories of the last twenty four hours, as my heart races while i grimace at the thoughts resurfacing. "She's hurt, we should help her" Hailee signs, looking over at me as she kneels in front of the woman in the corner. I shake my head, as she sighs, looking back over at the woman. "Can you hear me?" she says to the woman, as i stand near the door, ready to leave her here. The woman doesn't look like she can move, and whatever did this to her, will  obviously be back to finish the job. "Hailee come on" i whisper, but she shakes her head. The woman groggily looks at Hailee than me, before raising her other hand that was lying near her. And starts speaking to Hailee, "Hailee don't you dare" i whisper. 

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