Chapter 9 - Lleida

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A few days later I was sitting next to Keira on our team bus. We were on the way to a friendly match against Lleida, which would be my first time to ever play with the girls. My nerves were already getting the best of me, but it was nothing compared to Keira, who was restlessly moving back and forth in her seat. Worried, I quickly swallowed the last bite of my sandwich and turned to her.

"Keira, what's wrong?"I asked her caringly.

"Nothing" Keira replied a little too fast for my liking.

"I don't believe you, Keira, come on."

She sighed loudly. "It's just... promise you won't tell anyone?"

I lifted my pinky finger in the air. "Pinky promise!"

Keira moved closer to my ear. "Lucy asked me to marry her" She whispered almost inaudibly.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed loudly which resulted to everyone turning around. I quickly waved it off, but I could still feel Lucy's eyes on me.

"Sorry, what?" I repeated quietly. "But that's good news, isn't it?"

"Yes, I guess it is. I'm just a little overwhelmed, you know?"

I nodded. "That makes sense. But you said yes, didn't you?"

"Of course, I did. I love Lucy more than anything in the world. It's just... I wish I could shout it out to the world, but she's a really private person. You're the only one from the whole team who knows, so please keep it to yourself!"

The bus made an abrupt turn and it seemed like we were getting closer and closer to our destination.

"I won't tell anyone." I promised quickly. "But you're gonna tell us eventually, right?"

Keira gave me a small smile. "Of course we will. Thank you, Emilia."

"I'm here for you, I hope you know that. I may not give the best relationship advice, but I will always listen to you."


My conversation with Keira still haunted me hours later, as I sat on the bench next to Ingrid and Jana Fernandez, a quiet defender, anxiously watching the game. Even though it was only a friendly against AEM Lleida, a team of the 2nd league, we knew no mercy. By the 62nd minute, we were leading eight to nil. Unfortunately, the aggression level of our opponents increased with each goal. Our opponent with the number 3 just pushed Lucy out of the penalty area, which was acknowledged by the referee with a loud whistle and a penalty for us.

"This game is a joke" Ingrid muttered annoyed. "If they keep this up, they're seriously going to hurt someone. And for what? A stupid friendly."

"I don't even want to know what happens after Lucy scores nine-nil" Jana nodded in agreement, pointing to the pitch where Lucy was getting ready to take a penalty. Our opponents lined up and unsuccessfully tried to prevent the ball from reaching its destination.


On the field, our teammates ran towards each other and jumped into each other's arms. I would have loved to be among them, but I highly doubted that I would be subbed on in the next 25 minutes as Jonatan hasn't even told me to warm up.

So, all I could do was continue to follow the game from the outside. I watched as Laura dribbled the ball around any obstacles that came her way and then passed it to Alexia. The ball just missed the goal, but I could see the other team's frustration rising again.

"They better leave Jill again or I'll be ready to throw hands" Jana announced angrily.

I threw her a questioning look and was about to ask her if there was anything going on between her and Jill, when the inevitable happened. Lucy was playing the ball towards Lleida's goal area, but one of their players tripped Lucy in an attempt to stop her from scoring. Within seconds they were both laying on the ground, but while Lucy's attacker immediately rose again, she stayed down and buried her face in her hands.

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