Chapter 22 - Champion's league draw

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A/N: as this story, and therefore the relationship between Mapi and Emilia, as well as the drama, processes, I want you all to remember that while this story is of course inspired by real people, it does not correspond at all to reality. The people in this story are all made up characters, even if they're inspired by real people, which I find important to remember in some scenes. In no way, I want to imply that some people, such as Ana, Ingrid and Sydney, are like this for real. Furthermore, there might be some mature scenes, which I, as a writer, choose to include, however I personally cannot write such things about real people, so please keep in mind that these are just characters of this story.

Now... are you ready?


The day after, both Mapi and I avoided each other at practice. It seemed as the whole team helped us in doing so, as by now they had probably had all heard of what had happened yesterday.

After an exhausting session, I just desired to be home, but then Jenni excitedly entered our changing room. "Hurry up guys, the live stream of the Champion's league draw has already begun."

With all that had occurred over the last week, I had totally forgotten about the upcoming draw, which was happening pretty late this year due to an issue at one of the qualifiers between FC Servette and Levante UD.

We all hurried into our common room, where the UEFA live stream was already being projected on a huge, white screen, where Nadine Kessler had just finished explaining the complicated rules of the draw.

I knew that as winners of la Liga F, we were put into the first pot, together with Wolfsburg, who had won the Champion's league last year, PSG as the winners of the French league after Lyon's rapid decline over the last two seasons, and last but not least, Arsenal, who had beaten Chelsea in the WSL once again. This meant that we wouldn't have to play against them in the group stage but would instead be divided up into four different groups.

Nadine Kessler started the draw with the first pot, us being put into group B.

The next group consisted of Lyon, Chelsea, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.

I nervously started chewing my nails, praying that we wouldn't be put into the same group as Bayern.

Lyon was the first one to be allocated to group A, Chelsea following with group C shortly after.

I instantly knew what that meant.

The UEFA split teams from same countries into group A or B and C or C, leaving Madrid no choice but to join group D.

This meant Bayern Munich would be in our group.

Nevertheless, I didn't want to believe it until I saw it happening on screen, my heart beating faster as I intently observed Nadine slowly pulling out the next paper chip.

"Bayern Munich" she called out. "Bayern can only go to group B, joining FC Barcelona in there."

"Wow, Emilia!" Lucy exclaimed happily. "We're playing your old team, that's so cool. Now I'm just waiting for Manchester United to join our group and it will be perfect."

"We're gonna prove them who's the better team, right Em?" Alexia grinned.

I barely heard them talking to me, the only thing I could think about being Sydney. After having avoided seeing her at camp, I just pushed the thought of ever having to face her aside but playing against her took everything to another level. Quite frankly, it scared me to death.

Meanwhile, my friends concentrated back to the screen as pot 3 was being allocated to the groups, when I hastily excused myself and stormed outside, heading directly to the bathroom. I didn't bother to lock myself into one of the stalls as I knew everyone was currently busy with the draw, so I just let myself sink on the cold bathroom floor, covering my face with my hands while slowly starting to sob.

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