1-6: Banding Together

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Third P.O.V

"Damn it." Peter said. "Quill?" Rocket said, noticing Peter not following. "Yondu! Yondu. This is the Quills. Our coordinates are 227K324." Peter yelled into the coms to Yondu. "Quill?" Rocket asked as he turned around. "Quill, what are you doing?" Rocket asked. "Just outside Knowhere. If you're there, come and get us." Peter said as he activated his helmet and got out. "Quill, you can't fit all of you in the pod. You'll die in seconds!" Rocket said. Peter floats over and grabs his sister and Gamora. He then place the helmet on Gamora.

Gamora gasps as she was able to breath. Peter looked around as they see the Ravengers got their message.  Yondu taking in Peter, Gamora, and River in the pod. Peter then gasped for air as they were dropped into the ship. River was still unconscious but safe. "Quill? What happened?" Gamora asked as she coughed for air. "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me. But I couldn't let you die." Peter said as he held Gamora's face. Then there was a gasp behind them as River shot up into a sitting position. "River!" Peter shouted as he hugged her close to him. "You doofus... you were willing to let yourself die?" Peter said as he held her close to him.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking irrationally...I thought it would help." River said as she held her brother. She could feel tears in her eyes. She then noticed Gamora with his helmet chip in her hand. "You...you gave her your helmet?..." River asked. "Y-yeah." Peter said. "You idiot! Here you are scolding me about dying and you were doing the same thing!? At least I had my helmet activated when I kamikaze that blast!" River said as she punched his chest. "...y-you idiot!" she said as her anger and frustration died down into sadness again. 

Once she got it out of her system she slumped into his chest, sobbing. Letting it all out. "You're so stupid...how dare you try and leave me..." River whimpered, she couldn't lose him. She can't bare the though of losing him too. "You did it first stupid..." Peter said with a light hearted chuckle, as he hugged her close to him. "Where's the orb?" Gamora asked as she got up. "It's...welll, they got the orb." Peter said sheepishly. "What?" Gamora said in shock. The door then opened to reveal the Ravengers pointing guns at them. "Welcome home Peter, River." Kraglin greeted. "Hi Kraglin!" River said, wincing as walked. 


Back in Knowhere, Groot fished out Drax and got the fluids from out his body by piercing him with his branch shaped like a needle. Rocket then came crashing down in the pod next to them. Rocket then steps out of the pod, "Blasted idiot. They're all idiots!" he yelled, letting his anger shield his other emotions. Like the unwanted feeling of fear and concern for River. "First, River put herself in harms way, practically killing herself. And Quill just got himself captured. None of this would have happened if you didn't try to single-handedly take on a frickin' army!" Rocket said in anger towards Drax. Wanting to blame someone for his distress since neither Quills are there. 

"You're right. I was a fool. All the anger, all the rage, was just to cover my loss." Drax said with a sigh. "Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. 'my wife and child are dead'." Rocket said in a mocking manner. Making Groot gasp at his insincerity. "Oh, I don't care if it's mean! Everybody's got dead people. It's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way!" Rocket said, his voice breaking a bit. He couldn't help the flash memory of River floating in space. "Come on, Groot. Ronan has the stone.  The only chance we got is to get to the other side of the universe as fast as we can and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there." Rocket said, doing what he did best to avoid problems, running and thinking for himself (and Groot). 

"I am Groot." Groot said as he stood up. "Save them? How?" Rocket asked. "I am Groot."Groot said. "I know they're our only friends that we ever had, and so what if I care for River or not. There's an army of Ravengers around them. And there's only two of us." Rocket said. "Three." Drax said as he stood up tall besides Groot with a hand on his shoulder. Rocket groaned and clenched his head. He looked around for something to hit, unfortunate there was hardly anything but grass. He then started to angrily kick at the grass patch. "You're. Making. Me. Beat. Up. Grass!" Rocket said as he kicked the grass with each word, uprooting it. 

Hooked on a Feeling: Rocket Raccoon Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن