05 [M]

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Violetta giggled as she and Rindou walked into his and Ran's shared apartment.

She squealed when Rindou picked her up to carry her to his room. His laugh rumbling from within his chest making her face heat up.
It always amazed her just how strong he was considering she was much more heavier she was than him.

Rindou carried her from the door into his bedroom, gently placing her down into the bed as if she were a delicate flower.

Rindou leaned down and kissed Violetta's lips softly, slowly climbing on top of her. Their lips danced together at a leisurely pace, Violetta laying back.

Rindou pulled back and looked down at Violetta. She looked so lovely under the moonlight spilling in from the window.

"Are you sure you want to go further than usual tonight, baby? You can always say you're not ready."

Violetta smiled softly, her hand coming to gently cup Rindou's cheek, him leaning into her touch.

"I want to feel you, Rindou. 'm ready to do this with you."

Rindou smiled, and not his usual crooked smile but a full smile. He nodded his head, his heart feeling like it was going to beat out of its place in the rib cage.

Violetta never called him Rindou, not even when she was being serious so he knew her heart was really in it.

"Okay, honey bunny. You know your wish is my command."

Open mouthed kisses were placed on Violetta's neck, and soft dulcet moans spilled from her lips. Rindou's kisses alone always made Violetta's head spin and her body reach a fever pitch; but right now was different.

It was different than all the other times Rindou had rubbed her thighs with his large calloused hands, because instead of shyly closing them and turning her head to the side Violetta obliged and opened her legs.

Rindou's hands massaged his Vi's plush thighs as he kissed her exposed shoulder. He pulled away and looked down at the divine beauty who so graciously allowed him to even utter her name. He looked into her hazel brown eyes as he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his intricate tattoo that always left Violetta entranced.

"Can I touch it?"

Rindou's hot breath fanned on Violetta as he nodded. Her hand gently traced the lines of the ink on her beloved's skin, manicured nails sending a shock through Rindou's body.

He couldn't help it, he needed her lips against his again. He leaned in and connected their lips in a sloppy kiss, Rindou's hands slowly pulling up Violetta's shirt. The couple disconnected long enough for Rindou to remove Violetta's shirt, lips hungrily reconnecting.

Rindou's tender kisses trailed to his lover's neck, sucking softly while his hands rubbed on Violetta's chubby waist. His kisses trailed down to her collar bones and breast; where he left small bounties of his affection in the form of hickies.

Violetta's soft and breathy whines rang through the room, her body being especially erogenous in this moment.

Rindou pulled away to look down at his work. A shy crooked smile gracing his features as Violetta looked up at him with those beautiful brown pools that that had lured him in that day he truly noticed her. Her pretty docile face feeding into his hedonistic mind. Rindou's hands found their way to the hem of Violetta's skirt, playing with the fabric between his slender fingers.

"May I, baby?"

Violetta tilted her head to the side slightly.

"May you what Rinny?"

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