3..//"ONLY I CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM.."; ⌨︎..//

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As i heard the voice, i slightly jumped at the suddeness. He probably noticed, as he wrapped his arms around me tighter giving a slight squeeze as i gasped quietly and then letting me go.
My cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he chuckled at my reaction. I'd huff as turning around to look at the mysterious guy who is a known killer.
"You fuckin scared me doofus.." I'd say in a pouty tone. "Did I?hm.. oh my, So sorry little prince/princess." He replied in a slight purring voice, sending a weird shiver go down your spine.
"Why are you still here?" You say as shifting a bit away from the masked man, as pausing and then continuing on. "Shouldn't you be like.. Doing normal killer shit or something?" I finish, as saying like a question.
I heard him sigh, as shaking his head. "No, i don't do it in the day. Getting caught is quite risky.. plus their more vulnerable at night." He simply said, as going over to the stove and getting the bacon and eggs.
Just as he did so, you then realized he had on your pink and white apron with (flowers,hello kitty, ect.) On it.

He swiftly walked over, and grabbed the spatula as putting the bacon on one side of the pancake, and the other side with two eggs on it.. It made a derpy looking excuse of a face.
I'd slightly smile as looking at it for a second, before speaking up a bit. "How cute." I quietly say, as looking towards ghostface and I heard him have a soft chuckle.
"Not as cute as you, doll." He said, as trying to be charming with the pet names.
I just roll my eyes playfully, scoffing "mhm.." Was all that came out, as I went and sat down in a chair.
He then poured syrup onto my pancakes, as there was already silverware on the table my face softened.. I'm actually having breakfast, not alone this time.' I thought to myself, as i smiled shyly. "Thank you.. Uh.." I say as i forgot his name, already.. I have a really bad problem not remembering shit.
"Forgotten already doll? What a shame.." He said, as trying to be sarcastically dramatic "it's Ghostface sweetheart, but if you want you can call me something else." He says as patting my head, embarrassingly enough.

After we ate, i will say it was pretty damn good.. But i won't say it to his face like that, that'd be embarrassing to say the least.
"Thank you again, Ghostface. I'm not used to actually eating with somebody, let alone a full breakfast." I'd say as giggling a bit, and rinsing my dish off putting it on the counter to wash in a second.
"You don't say? Maybe i should visit more then." He says as putting his plate onto yours, and patting you on the back gently with his leather gloves.
I'd sigh, as smiling a bit and then looking over at my clock reading 12:10PM.
"It seems it's getting late in the day already, jesus.." I whispered to myself, though ghostface heard it of course and he looked at me for a minute before walking closer.
I didn't realize how close he was until i looked up, inches away from the mask.
I heard his heavy breathing, as it was so quiet only you could hear the clock ticking.
Suddenly, i felt a arms wrap around my waist as then pulling me in for a hug and soon enough i slowly hugged back for a few minutes.
"I must go now, so get some rest doll." He said as letting go, you feeling the body warmth leave you and a weird lonely feeling. He patted your head, as he turned away "be safe! Remember, Only I can hear you scream."
He says, as then going out your back door quietly.
You were left there alone again.. But he left you speechless, as your cheeks tinted a bright pink. You swallowed your spit, as looking away shaking your head trying to clear your thoughts
'Fucking idiot..' I thought as sighing, walking away slowly back up to my room quietly.

I'd open my door, as looking around and closing it behind me. I'd decide to go to one of my dressers, as taking some clothes out.
A slightly long black shirt that says 'loser' on it with a red heart, and some red an white shorts along with cute soft black and white stripped thigh socks.
I'd then take my clothing off, as throwin em in my laundry basket and slipping my new clothes on.
I'd then go over to my bed, and flop on it harshly as melting into the comfort of the matress. Some stuffed animals fell off my bed, as it was filled with Halloween animals or horror movie killers as plushies that went along with my soft ghost blanket and ghost pillows.
I looked over at my alarm, seeing it was 12:28PM so i decided to read for a bit.
I grabbed a book from my selection off my night stand, already milk and cookies on the desk that had a note on it. You didn't notice it this morning, so you picked up the note as it read
"A little beverage and snack from me if needed, don't forget to eat em prince/princess take care! - Ghostface." I said outloud as i slightly had a smile crept up on my face.
'what a sweetheart he can be..' I thought but then sighed, remembering why he was there that night in the first place. Oh well, at least he'd keep you company for now..
You then looked at a cookie, and grabbed it gently as dipping it into the milk taking a quick bite.

You held your (fav book) as you went to a page, admiring the taste of cookies and milk. God damn was he a good ass cooker though..
You read for awhile, as there was still at least 4 cookies left and there was like 11 at first hand so yes maybe you are a slight fatass but what can you say? You're actually eating something good..
You finished a few chapters, and looked at the time and read 3:34PM. Wow i guess more than only a few chapters then but oh well, it pasted time but you put the book up after you tabbed the page you were on.
You'd then lay back slowly, as grabbing a stuffed black cat and putting a ghost pillow in between your legs for comfort and turning over.
You stared at the stuffed animal, as your eyes started to get heavy. Sure, you had a lot to think about but you've done enough thinking today so it totally wore your brain out.
Soon enough, your eyes closed and you slowly drifted off to a slumber that hopefully wouldn't be awakened from.

Your last thoughts as you drifted off, was in fact about the masked man.
Just who was he, and why did he not kill you yet?
Whatever it was.. You liked the feeling you got when around him, even if it was a confusing fear and excitement mix.

You will be happy as long as it can last..
From whoever HE is.

(1223 WORDS.. JESUS CHRIST. well, thank you guys for the support!! And here's another chapter.
P.s this chapter is based on sunday, next chapter I'll tell ya your going to school!!<3)

(Billy Loomis x Y/N) &quot;No matter what, my love.&quot; /DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now