6;//..Movies and Popcorn? bet..;//;

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 (A POV.. it switches accidentally)

The school day has FINALLY ended, and thank fuckin' god.

I am so relieved, today was amazingly confusing than usual. It may sound so cringey, and honestly I don't blame you if it does but billy loomis fucked with my head earlier as much as I'd think it wouldn't..

you were at your locker, collecting your things as you went along and thought deep to yourself as even your face made faces. everyone knew you were at least one of the weird ones of course but it didn't change the fact of the weird glances they'd give you as they'd walk out with their friends. you also didn't blame 'em about it either, but you wouldn't exactly be as rude if they were doing it.

ANYHOW.. you'd close your locker, as grabbing your last energy drink savoring it to drink for this stressful ass day.. not like you weren't going to get high afterwards though but the energy drinks helped you cope to not drink away your thoughts. you'd chug it slightly, as sighing and continuing to the end of the halls.

suddenly, you were stopped by billy and stu and quite not very fondingly startled you jumped and spilled your drink on their shoes.. whoopsies.

you'd curse under your breath, "oh fuckin' jesus christ.." you'd mumble quietly as looking down, and back up at them. "sorry, I didn't notice it was you guys.." you'd say as Stu laughed at you, patting billy on the shoulder as billy sighed raising his hand "its fine sweetcheeks, sorry we startled you." he waved it off, as then elbowing Stu slightly with a smirk. Stu groaned a bit, mumbling a "ouch.." as he weakly smiled at you. you'd giggled a bit at that, feeling a little better.. they seemed kinda close. especially cause they were standing so close to each other, you wouldn't be able to put a finger between 'em.

"also, hun.. you better watch your mouth cause you don't whisper well. jesus christ has nothing to do with this." billy would say as chuckling, and Stu stuck his long ass tongue out giving out his usual goofy self. your cheeks felt a little hot with embarassment as you didn't notice they heard you but you composed yourself and spoke up. "actually, Who even said I believed in him? you don't know me. but you know what I believe in? fucking. more like fucking you up in a second, 'hun'." i'd say with condfidence, as a slight chuckle came out after I finished. 

billy raised his brows a bit, as smirking seemingly amused in a way with your response instead of just shying away and hiding that little spark from you. Stu started Laughing again, but hurled over a bit and held his stomach as if he hadn't heard a good joke like that in a minute. "oh my god.. she's got humor billy! told ya she was somethin' interesting than a shy lil' ol' thing." he said with snickers coming out, grinning like a madman. 

I'd cock an eye-brow a bit, as humming slightly tilting my head with a smirk. billy just groaned, rolling his eyes playfully as putting an arm around Stu slightly the best he could once Stu stood back up straight. 

"did you really think that about me, Loomis?" I'd say as shaking my head, making a clicking sound. "you should really 'ought to know someone before accusing such things Mr." I added on, finishing my sentence soundingly sarcastic as a smirk was plastered onto my lips. "at least Mr. Macher was right." i'd chuckle, as glaring them both up and down as if i was serious. 

billy had a grin on his face, he was quite intergiued if I could tell and I know when to tease, billy seemed quite the mystery reader. Stu was grinning too, but he was just geniuely happy you said something positive about his actions more so than hitting him or something..

I'd shake my head once again, as sighing. "anyways.. you dorks want to come over tonight if free? I've got a lot of horror films and popcorn that need watched and popped.." I'd say as smiling more less serious and teasing, as if my mood suddenly changed. Billy and Stu looked at each other, as then back at you.

 "the girls are hanging out together tonight, so why not." billy said with a small smile, as stu nodded. "oh, but I might have to leave around like 9 or so.. then i'll be busy. So if I call my man, don't mind us shortcake." Stu said as grinning, winking to you at the last part jokingly as you chuckled waving him off. 

"okay okay, I get it..  but anyway, are you guys willing to walk with me or y'all wanna do it later?" I'd ask, as looking at them. "of course we'll give you a ride silly! come on short stuff, lets go an hangout!" Stu said as rolling his eyes, grabbing your hand as pulling you towards him as if in a swift motion putting his arm around you an puttin' you on his shoulder. you'd laugh as you felt suddenly dizzy for a moment, as feeling so high you'd smile big. you never knew this is what it looked like from here.

you guys got to the car, and most surely quickly got out of that hellhole as fast as you guys could.. 

but as everything went by, you sitting in the backseat and stu and billy made small talk but had the music up a little high. soon enough as you looked through the window, everything got drowned out except the music sounded fainted and your thoughts swarmed your head.

 everything seemed the world was so quick, and watching the trees go by quickly wasn't quick enough to examine every single pretty leaf on it. the scenery was amazing, even when it went by so fast, you'd admire it.. autumn was your favorite season and always will be, after all the orange, yellow, red, an brown leaves falling in perfect places onto the ground and the breeze that swayed by, and the sky a pretty sky blue anyone would love to wander into. it was truly a perfect picture as most call it, but maybe it's just you who sees the nature of autumn that way.

you wished you had your camera right now, but sad enough your parents took it as a punishment for not having supper done for them. you'd sigh as your eyes wandered back into reality, as looking back over to billy and stu in the front as stu drove. I'd smile at the thought of not being lonely anymore, it felt nice..

 you then dawned on something, and realized the ghostface was right about me needing friends and well now you realized it was so lucky of you to find some people that actually enjoyed your presence a bit. you'd smile a little bit more, as wondering if the weird manic who showed kindness would come back so you could brag to him about your friends.. you wondered if he had any either, he seemed like the person people would like to be around if they didn't know he murdered multiple people.

"(Y/N), this is your house right?" billy looked back at you, as tapping onto you slightly and you were brought back out of your trance. you looked and nodded, "it is.. how'd you guys know?" you said as smiling.

they'd look at you as looking at each other smiling a bit. "well.. I'm actually across from you, and last year I seen you a few times walk out of this house. not stalking like I promise, but it usually happens when I had my parties." he'd chuckle as you came to realization, a blush spreading on your face. 

"oh.. I forget about those parties last year. I should've known when people were talking about it, sorry." I'd giggle a bit as smiling shyly. "It's alright short stuff. let's just head inside, shall we?" he said with an accent at the end, as you rolled and your eyes and smirked.

"we shall, Mr. Macher.." I'd say, as then looking at billy. "joining us, Mr. Loomis?" I'd laughed out slightly, having an accent as smiling slyly. billy would shake his head with a smile, "I suppose why not, (L/N)." he'd chuckle out, as we all laughed with each other most likely fairly enough loud.

Movies and Popcorn tonight with these boys? it's a bet, and I'm gonna make sure to enjoy the amazingly charming duo.

they're really not so bad.. :)

(1429 WORDS...)

continue... >>>>> 

(Billy Loomis x Y/N) "No matter what, my love." /DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now