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tw: This chapter has mentions of physical abuse. Read with caution.

"Took you long enough." Graham let out a harsh breath through his nostrils and pulled me back down into his lap roughly. "Where were you? Why were you gone for so long?" His voice was low compared to the music, and the little essence of kindness that I hoped he would keep tonight was gone. But it was possible to get it back... if I played my cards correctly.

"I told you, baby. I had to use the bathroom..." I purred while I traced my fingers across his cheekbone lovingly. I was intelligent enough to know how to avoid the questions that Malfoy just warned me would be shot my way, but I was never smart enough to see when I was being manipulated by everyone around me.

"Just seems a bit coincidental to me." Here come the accusations. Bite your tongue now. "You disappear to the bathroom for over half an hour, and your little partner in crime hasn't been around lately either." He narrowed his eyes at me. That's where all of this is going...

"I haven't seen him at all, Graham. I promise you. He wasn't even around here before I left." I shook my head and stared into his light eyes in hopes that I could convince him. Please, for the love of God, let me convince him. Because it was the fucking truth.

There was one other person besides Graham in this school that I had a soft spot for, and it was because they were the only person that had one for me. Even if he was just as blind to the physical abuses I went through just like everyone else, he had caught on to the verbal abuses a long time ago.

"Then where is he, Rain? Did you two finally let the leash off for once?" He cupped my chin in his palm and squeezed my cheeks together to hurt me discreetly— all so his perfect blooded friends couldn't see how troubled he really was compared to them. "I'd be shocked if you didn't just sneak off to try and find him." He muttered to me. The smells of his intoxicated breath mixed with his grasp reminded me a little too much of my father. My nose was against his and I let out a soft whimper that was begging for mercy just this one time.

"Graham, you're hurting me. I don't have any idea where Blaise is." I whispered. I leaned forward in his hold and kissed his lips softly. "I wouldn't do anything to piss you off. You know that." I gulped. I twitched my jaw to try and loosen his grip myself, but it didn't suffice. His eyes flickered into a softer shade of brown, and his lips were attacking mine before I had even blinked.

But I couldn't complain that this was how he was choosing to handle his anger, and my body melted into his arms while he moved his hand down to my neck. Most people would be embarrassed to be so open about their sexual behaviors in the middle of a common room party for everyone to watch and witness, but I'd do anything for a simple night. Anything.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I tried asking breathlessly. "I want to do more with you." I mumbled. I gripped the base of his tie in my fist to hold him as close as possible while I shifted my weight slightly so my body moved on his crotch. He rolled his tongue over his teeth and kept his eyes on my swollen, scarlet lips that he had just assaulted for the last few minutes.

"If you weren't running off with Zabini, then why were you in the bathroom for so long, Rain?" He asked in a low voice. Just when I thought I had escaped.

"I ran into Malfoy." Fucking veritaserum. I closed my eyes as the disappointment flooded my chest because I knew I had fucked up. The worst part was that I couldn't even control myself and lie with a better response to save my skin. Literally.

"Malfoy?" He repeated in a dark tone. One of the people Graham hated the most, but could never say it out loud. His fakest friend of them all, but the one Graham had to keep close if he wanted to stay ahead. "What were you doing with Malfoy?" He pressed for more. The best part was that there wasn't anything else to give.

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