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tw: This chapter contains sexual content, as well as mentions of e.d. Read with caution.

I was in the middle of applying more lip gloss in the mirror of Graham's bedroom when I was turned around in a single motion that took me by surprise.

"Wha-" I couldn't finish a single word before Graham's lips were against mine with a subtle smile to them. I giggled against his mouth before my arms wrapped around his neck and held on to him. He barely lifted my feet from the ground, and the gesture made me fill with glee.

I was grateful for his excitement this week. He had been in such a good mood since he set his date for this. I hadn't even been scolded or received a single punishment since the day of his quidditch match last weekend. However, I was anything but excited, because the date we had been waiting for was now today, and Graham was one step closer to joining the dark side.

"You-" he pulled away with his hands on my hips, his forehead on mine. He licked his lips once, "taste like cherries." I giggled as his lips glistened from my lipgloss, and his eyes traveled up and down my frame. "You are so fucking beautiful." His touch and stare felt like it was burning into my skin.

"Thank you." I blushed. He snaked his hands around to the center of my back.

The dark green dress he had bought me framed my body perfectly, and covered everything he wanted to be covered. There weren't bruises or marks that needed to be hidden... for now... but that didn't mean Graham would ever allow me to wear something that would give others a show.

"You look handsome, my love." I pressed my hands into his chest and flattened out his black jacket. "Like a billion galleons." I winked up at him. His lips found the top of my forehead, and I slumped into his gentle embrace.

We felt so normal when it was like this. Like we were the perfect couple that everyone should strive to be. Just two teenagers who were naive to the real world, but living blissfully in their own bubble.

His hands started to rub my hips, kneading the skin and muscles in his palms. He rested his forehead on mine before he spoke in a timid voice.

"I know we don't always get along, and we tend to have more disagreements than most people would..." his voice trailed off for a moment as his chocolate brown eyes gazed down into my fair green ones. "I know it hurts you when we have our arguments, and I don't like that it does. But I just want you to know that everything I do, I do it because I love you. I just want us to be the best we can be." He hummed.

"I know, Graham. You do all of this for me." I moved my fingers up into his hair and scratched his head softly. "Because you love me." I smiled up at him. His eyes melted as he looked at me, and he pulled me closer.

"I'm so glad you know that, love." He smiled back at me. "This is why I always say we're soulmates. Because without even telling you, you know everything I think about you." He cupped my cheek in his hand. "You know me. You understand me when no one else does."

I fluttered my lashes from his words and leaned into his touch. Moments like this could never end, and I'd be okay with that.

"You are everything to me, bunny. I love you more than anyone could ever love anything." He breathed out while he embraced me like I was doing to him. My heart strings felt like they were tugging so strongly as I listened. "You are the love of my life, and I am so happy that you are mine. You coming into my life is one of the best things that's happened to me." He said sincerely.

"You're going to make me cry if you keep this up." I chuckled as my eyes opened back up. His thumb rubbed my cheek, and his lips formed an adorable smile.

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