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Word Count: 1748


A loud bang jerks me awake.

Sitting up, I blink my eyes open, trying to recall what has happened.

I'm laying on a couch, an old, threadbare blanket laid over me. Around me, is a small living space packed full of unfamilar belongings that are shoved into boxes. Most tumble out messily, like this place has just been moved into.

Rubbing my temples, I flick the blanket off me, noting a man lying sprawled out on the couch opposite to this one. He's fast asleep, mouth wide open as he snores softly.

He's the man who was polishing his shoes when I fell unconcious. He must have taken me back to his home.

I shiver. The window is blown open, which must have been what woke me.

I could wake him and thank him for taking me off the street, but at the same time, part of me knows I need to get back out to look for a way to get back to Keo as soon as possible.

Giving him one last look, I clamber out the window and to the street outside, gently closing it behind me.

I have no idea how I'm going to get to Keo...

For at least an hour I wander around, asking about where we are and how people get out of the Territory. Most say the train, like I suspected, although there is a chance that if I go back to that cabin in Territory Eight, Keo will have moved on.

As the sun starts to set, I make my way toward the only train station in the vicinity. If I have to sleep on one, fine, as long as I'm not around for when one of those volcanoes eventually explodes.


I yelp, frightened out of thought as I whirl around.

Relief collapses over me. It's Keo, looking the same as he did when I left. He stares right back at me as if he can't believe he's come across me.

I rest my palm against where my heart patters against my ribs. "You scared me."

"I couldn't find you," he tells me, looking around distastefully.

I'm so relieved it's him, I could hug him. I resist that urge though. I'm not sure Keo is someone who is open to a hug, even if it's with his mate. I

"I passed out for a while. Someone took me into their house, but I got-"

Keo frowns, his gaze darkening. "Where?"

"I don't know, back there." I point lazily behind me, knowing I've walked decently far since I escaped his house.

"Did they hurt you?" Keo questions, eyes grazing over my body, checking for any marks or hints I've been in an altercation. Despite this Territory being relatively shady, I've managed to fall unconcious and in the street and not end up dead.

I shake my head, seeing the gathering anger in his expression. "Not that I know of."

"Did they touch you?" He pushes.

"What? No...I'm fine," I insist.

He exhales in a long breath.

"You travelled far further than I could have expected. I almost couldn't track you." He rubs his hand through his hair, not caring how messy it ends up.

He looks genuienly concerned for me, if not a little panicked. Keo always seems in control of everything, so this is a shake up.

I stare down at my hands, wiggling my fingers. "Did the conduit do all that?"

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