~The Park~

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Modern Au

Me and Ei are strolling around in the park peacefully
It was the beginning of autumn time so I thought it would be a perfect idea to get some cool breeze and the sun was still shining bright as ever
We brought our dog along with us to since it's been such a long time since we walked her together

I letted loose of our wild dog to play with the other dogs that was around in the dog park area, and thankfully our friend Sara was there to with kokomi so Kokomi offered to play with her while we sit down and be on our own

I had brought a book along with me to read since I knew I was somehow going to get bored like I always do
I held it up to my face resuming back to the page that I was reading previously before leaving home

Ei was rest well asleep on my lap while I was brushing my fingers along placing a kiss on her face every now and then, then next thing I knew a freaky looking man walked up to me disturbing my peace

"Well hello there what you reading" A short looking man with ginger hair and some black glasses said that to me with a smile, he also had a pug connected to the leash that he was holding in his hands
'This is why I've never liked men'

"Look at the cover of the book" I said while still looking down at my book

"Yea but-"He stuttered in his words
"Or could you not read nor see hmm~?"
"You have glasses are they fake?" I finally looked up into the short man's eyes but didn't have to raise my head up by the least, like I said the man is short

"Fine you got my attention do you need something?" I glared at him with furrowed brows

"I just wanted to say that you are very pretty, and was wondering if I could get your number" He grabbed his pug up from the floor and was still grinning at me

"No I'm not available and if I we're it wouldn't be with a bold man like you"I was going to get up to tell the man of but then remembered I remember that Ei was on me and if she knew what I did she would scold me at home

Then he sat next to me which really got my blood boiling he rested one of his hands on my shoulder then started talking
"If you got a dog they could have play dates or something, also I could see that your friend is also sleeping"

"Maybe we could all be friends once she wakes up!" He practically talked really out loud I turned to him and gave him nasty looks, his spit went flying in my face while he was still rambling on about some shit I could clearly care less about
'Straight men are so annoying sometimes'

I slammed my book shut
" listen here I don't know you nor do I want to know you, now do you think you move on along and find some other person to flirt with hmm"
I sighed, then movement on my lap happened and it seems that Ei had waken up

"Sorry sorry I'll get going now" he stood up and I could see his face red running off with the dog in his hand

She groaned then got up and sat up still rubbing her eyes
"Why hello there enjoyed your sleep love" I put my book to the side of me

I pulled her onto my lap, rested her head onto to my shoulder, and hugged her

"Who we're you talking" she said lazily

"Nobody that you need to worry about baby"
" you seem so tired today darling you want to go home now" she lifted up her head and cupped my cheeks, I leaned into her and kissed her with a slight passion
I licked her lips and bit her bottom lip to force her mouth open no dominance was fought over since Ei was still lazy after her nap

I slapped her hard on her ass and gripped it a little bit to to

She parted away from me catching her breath from her muffled scream
people we're passing by but I didn't care at all that my hand was still on her ass
"Miko what's wrong with you we are in the public"

I smiled at her and then she said
" get you're hand off my ass"
"And what if I don't~" I wanted to reach my lips onto her neck but couldn't cause she pinched my ears harshly, I then took away my hand from her ass and grabbed her arms trying to pull her away

"Stop it hurts, and why you fucking so strong" She finally stop then got off from me, and I stood up still trying to recover from the pain in ears

"Can you go get the dog and let's go home, then I'll think about letting you continue if I'm feeling nice"

I pecked her on the lips once more and ran off to get our dog that was all of a sudden dragging Kokomi along the grass

Made this during after my test, sorry if it's boring 😩😮‍💨

{EiMiko stories}smut includedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang