~I'm Sorry~(1)(Smut)

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Kinda rushed

Lately Miko had been feeling confused with the way that Ei's been acting,Ei had been in a mood for days and Miko just couldn't figure out why

She had tried to talk to her about it but Ei would always shut her down and refuse to communicate, Miko even started to feel like a stranger towards her newly wedded wife  not knowing what the cause could possibly be

Miko knows that she's been going to work later hours and once she came home her attention wasn't fully on Ei like all the time, mostly she just wanted to take a hot shower and go straight to sleep

Usually Ei was filled with enjoyment whenever Miko came home, always greeting her by the door and showering Miko's face with a bunch of kisses...so what possibly could be the problem to make her stop doing so

Another day Miko came home late from work like usual,to find Ei sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the TV

"Ei baby how are you"
Miko kissed her cheek

After Miko sat next to her, she wanted to try and start a conversation, but Ei just grunted in response or shook her head a little but not looking in her direction

So Miko knew Ei wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying

That was the last straw for Miko and she just had to address the situation

"What is your problem huh? You have been in a mood for days, and you just won't tell me why your in one"
Miko said, her voice rising up a little

Ei looked up at her
"I don't have a problem,I'm just not feeling very talkative right now..."

Miko rolled her eyes
"You see Ei, I've noticed it for a while but said nothing cause I thought you wanted to keep to yourself"

"And your point is? I said that nothing was wrong with me Miko"

Miko shook her head and took Ei's hands in her own

"Ei We're married, we are supposed to be able to talk to each other about anything, but lately you've been shutting me out and acting like I'm your enemy, when all I want is to be here for you"

Ei sighed knowing that miko was right and she should have tell her how she feels before things turn worse to them

She hated to argue sometimes
"Hah I know , it's never my intention to shut you out, I just don't how to explain the things I exactly want right now"

"Then tell me what you want honey" she asked.

Ei shrugged
"I don't know maybe it just gets lonely w-when your not here and I don't know if I'm aloud to call you or not cause I don't want to feel clingy"

"Call me and text me all you want! Is this really what you was all moody for"

"Yes and like I said, I didn't want to be clingy towards you and bother you while your working, I know how hard it is for you"

"But I love when your clingy"
Miko pouted

"I would still feel guilty about it"

"Then why when I reached home you was giving me the silent treatment"

"Uhhh eheh"
Ei laughed nervously not actually knowing her reasoning for ignoring Miko like that

"Ahh so all this trouble for nothing"
Miko laughed and laid her head on Ei's shoulder and intertwined their fingers

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