Update, November 2022

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Hey guys!!!!!!

First of all, I hope everyone's been well. I'm finally posting because I have some Gods Rising updates, as well as some other publishing news (non-GR related but still important!)

Here's the GR update: I just finished the re-write! And by that I mean complete re-write. Plot-wise, the major story beats are the same, but the order of some of them and the circumstances that brought the characters to those moments are different. The ending half of the book is very different, so it slowed me wayyyy down when writing it. I'm not sure if this was just because of how much I had to think through the new plot, or because it's not quite right for the last half of the book. We'll see. That said, I think the ending is great. I'm excited to start editing it. I want to take a few passes for theme, continuity, pacing, and fluff-trimming before I send it off to my beta readers. I have multiple panels of beta readers, so I'll be able to get people's feedback about whether or not it lands like I was hoping it would.

Here's the other news: I'm actually successfully getting my short stories published. I'm about a third of the way into fulfilling the requirements to become a full member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America group, which has been a goal of mine for years. Breaking into bigger markets overall has been huge for me because having a portfolio of short stories I've sold to magazines will help to land me a literary agent when I one day go to publish Gods Rising. So! If you'd like to support my writing, here's where you can check out my recent short story publications!

     In Neon Hemlock Press' upcoming anthology Luminescent Machinations: Queer Tales of Monumental Invention : https://www.neonhemlock.com/luminescent-machinations  (it even has professional illustrations for each story!)

     In Honeyguide Magazine, where I was the third-place winner of their "Black Cats are Good Luck" story contest: https://www.honeyguidemag.com/post/the-six-remaining-lives-of-isosceles-the-cat

    In Grim and Gilded Magazine (note, this one is horror, so TW for gore): https://www.grimandgilded.com/gm-paniccia

I also have some stuff under review right now so fingers crossed I can sell those stories as well. Writing short stories has been an unexpected joy, and although it took time away from working on Gods Rising, I also think it really helped me to have the space to explore completely different styles. That said though, sorry this update took me so long! I've been crazy busy working on my PhD, plus I finally found some hobbies I'm really passionate about. One, for example, is capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art that's disguised as a dance. It's really informed my fight scene writing and helped me better develop the Eldaterrian combat style.

Thanks for still being around to read these updates! It means a lot to me that people really enjoyed this book. I'd actually love to know what you liked about it the most/what you consider "core" to the Gods Rising you remember. I don't want to inadvertently remove something that you all really liked.

Thanks again!!!



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