Coming Off Wattpad

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Hey everyone,

So, in the next few days, I'm going to be taking GR off of Wattpad. I have my reasons for this, and to be honest, it's been a long time coming.

You see, when I first wrote Gods Rising, I was 14. I edited it for here at 16, and I did a pretty ok job--for 16. I'm 20 now, though. I write very differently, and looking back over bits  of GR over the past few years has made me realize just how much work the piece is going to take to fix up. Because it's not just going to be a fix--it's going to be a full re-write. It'll keep most plot points, sure, and the bones of the story are good, but overall it's just generally not at a level that I feel comfortable with keeping up on Wattpad. The story needs to be fixed. To fix something as big as GR (since the full book is about 800 pages), it's going to take a lot of time. It's going to take at least 2 years to rebuild it from the ground up, if not more, since I don't have nearly as much free time to work on this as I did in high school.

I'm sorry to everyone who's disappointed by this. I'm going to be taking the text out of the book basically, and just leaving the empty chapters up on Wattpad for the sake of the comments on them. If I have any publishing luck--whether with GR or another story--I'll post it as an update in here, as well as on my page.

As for published GR, on Amazon, I'm going to be taking that down as well. If you have the Kindle version you're absolutely going to be able to keep the book, it's just the "for sale" link that's going to go down.

I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from. Your support for the book throughout the years has been great, and has given me confidence in the fact that at least the bones of the story are there. Your comments have helped me keep faith in my own writing, and keep getting better. I hope this isn't too much of a let-down for you guys. If you're interested in following my work, more my non-story stuff, a lot of it winds up on the site It's a litmag that I submit my poetry/flashfiction to. Smaller pieces are just about the only things I have time for.

Once again, sorry, and thank you all so much for the great ride.

Gods Rising [Soon to be Deleted]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora