chapter 3 : Xavier's return

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Meanwhile at the super monsters universe

the school night was over and the sun rised

"Sun up" the super monsters said at the same time before they turned to their human form " super monsters"

so the super monsters went to the old class to wait for their parents when we went there they met a white hair blue eyes man covers his face with a cloak

"Hey who are you ?" Igor asks

but he didn't reply

"didn't you hear me I asked who are you" igor said

zoe saw the showing parts of his face and she realized who's that guy

"igor look out !" zoe yelled

And that unknown person suddenly went to Igor and punched him in the stomach and on the head to knock him out everyone started to freak out

"Don't make me do something you're going to regret leave or else I'll call ilyas" esmie said in fear before she got beaten by that person to make her not able to stand because she's unconscious

"Monsters maximum power" miss mina said because she opened her wings and decided to fight him "children hide I'm going to take care of him"

She went to fight him but it didn't pass 2 seconds and he punched her to the wall bleeding

"Oh crap were in big trouble" drac said before he got beat it and blasted to the wall and broke it and make him covered with wounds and take him back to the preschool and throw him on the floor everyone got shocked for what they saw

"Drac !" Katya yelled from fear and sadness with tears on her face before she got beaten as well and slammed to the ground

"Take this !" Frankie yelled as he jumped and attacked the unknown person with the preschool's chair but it didn't effect him because it was made out of plastic

"Did you ever think that something like that's going to hurt me you fool" he said before punch him out of the class and teleported to punch him back to the class and to the ground and on he's way to cleo lobo jumped and punched him in the face

"No one touch's my girlfriend" lobo replied in anger

"So you punched me in the face ? Not bad looks like we have a tiger in this preschool" the unknown said "but you did your biggest mistake in your life"

"Bring it on" lobo replied before he went to him

Then that person went to lobo and fight him a little before he punched him in the stomach to make him spit blood and beat him up and threw him around the preschool to the playground and blasted him back inside the preschool to the class'es wall

"Lobo !" Cleo and vida yelled at the same time from shock And worry as they went to him

"my prince are you okay ?" Cleo asks with tears on her face

"Please lobo say something" Vida added with tears on her face as well

But lobo didn't reply

Cleo's POV

"Oh my God my boyfriend lobo just sacrificed himself to protect me I think it's just unconscious but I'll never let the sacrifice goes with nothing"

Nobody's POV

"How could you hurt him you merciless evil human !?" Cleo asks in anger

"Yeah we're going to defeat you once and for all" spike replied in anger

"You're on your own and we're 8 so that means we're going to defeat you" zoe replied

"Yeah" the super monsters except drac Katya lobo and Frankie replied at the same time

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