chapter 17 : Battle of control part 2 : duals of rounds

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Mordicai went to the ring to face at round two and met psycho

"Battle two Mordicai from team multiverse vs psycho from team control !" The host yelled

"Ready set fight !" The referee yelled

Mordicai and psycho went to each other and start fighting

"Holy moly those two never waste a second !" the host yelled

"Not bad for a idiot water bird" psycho replied

"You too" Mordicai replied before he went a little bit away from psycho and blast a water cannon

"Photon cannon !" Mordicai yelled before he blast a water cannon at psycho

But psycho has dodged the cannon and went to Mordicai and start fighting him

"Holy cow the battle got way crazier than usual !" The host yelled

"Now you're finished" Psycho said before he used the psychokinesis to pull up some parts of the ring and throw them at Mordicai

But Mordicai dodge them and start blasting a water blasts at him

"Man those two are powerful right ?" Fulmen asks

"Yeah you're right fulmen" Nix replied

Then Mordicai went to hit psycho

But when was about to attack psycho attacked Mordicai with a part of the ring and throw him outside the ring

"Psycho wins by eliminating Mordicai outside the ring the score 2-0 for team control !" The referee yelled

Everyone gone nuts and Mordicai and psycho went to their place

"Awe man for god's sake i failed I'm sorry guys" Mordicai said in disappointment

"Nevermind buddy nehir take care of it" ilyas replied

"Okay I'll take care of it" Nehir replied before she went to the ring

P.S: nehir is Brianna I decided to call her that as a real name of the original owner of the character

She went to the ring and met heat

"Battle 3 Nehir from team multiverse versus heat from team control !" The host yelled

"Ready set fight !" The referee yelled

They went and start fighting each other

"I'll never lose this is my chance to win and make sure we will stay in the tournament" Nehir said

"I don't think so" heat replied before he jumped little bit away and start throwing fireballs at nehir

But Nehir dodged it and used her ice power to turn her hand into a snow sword before she went to heat but heat used the flame powers to turn his hand into a flame sword but they start Dueling with their power swords

But because heat's sword made out of fire and Nehir's made out of ice Nehir's sword I started melting on heat and around the ring and heat punched her almost outside the ring

When Nehir got up she saw the water on heat and on the ring

"Looks like you're going to lose Nehir" heat said

"I would totally agree if I didn't do this" Nehir replied before she used her ice powers to froze the water all the way into heat's legs that couldn't let him be able to move

"What the what was that ?" Heat asks in shock

"Don't think that ice is weak it's have his ways to defeat even the flame demons" Nehir replied before she punched him in the face and throw him outside the ring

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