Chapter 12 [Sky]

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You opened your eyes. The moon was up. What time was it? The door to your room creaked open. Somebody walked in, but it was to dark to see who it was. They let the door open further and let the moon light seep in. It was Callum, and tears were falling from his eyes.

Y/n: Callum? Are you okay? What are you doing here?

Callum: Rayla told me.

You got out of the bed, your wings folded close to your side.

Y/n: Callum, what are you talking about?

Callum: The King! The King's dead, isn't he!

Your eyes widened. Rayla told him. The King was dead, and he was upset. Why wouldn't he be? He saw the King as his own father. His own family.

Callum: Why didn't you tell me?

He tried to wipe away his own tears, but they kept streaming down his face.

Y/n: I didn't want to hurt you. You would've been so upset.

Callum: And you don't think I'm upset now! I just . . . I can't do this anymore!

He hugged you, burying his head in the crook of your neck. The tears stained your clothes, but you didn't mind. He needed comfort right now, your problems can come later. He kept crying.

Callum: How am I going to tell him?

Y/n: Tell who?

Callum: Ezran, how am I going to tell him our father is gone?

You stayed silent, not knowing the right thing to say. It was like that for the next few minutes. His sobs slowing turned into small sniffles.

Callum: I-

Y/n: It's okay, losing a loved one can be hard. You should go get some rest. If you need to talk, I'm always here.

Callum: Yeah, yeah. I'll get going.

He let go of you, keeping his head down. He left the room and closed the door behind him. You stood in the same place, not moving.

Only a few seconds later, a wave of dizziness seemed to hit you like an avalanche. You stumbled, the dizziness threatening to throw you off your feet. You placed a hand on the bed, trying to keep your balance. Falling onto the bed, you closed your eyes. Hoping that this will all pass soon.

Opening your eyes again, you weren't in the room anymore. Instead it was a dark room, pitch black.

Y/n: Hello? Anyone there?

You tried taking a step, but the seemed to be no ground. You started floating, as if gravity didn't exist.

Y/n: Whoa!

You kept floating, using your wings to get around. Soon you saw a light. It was a dark purple that shined like the stars. When you got closer, you could see somebody. It seemed to be a man made of stars, but his back was turned to you. You got closer, but he didn't seem to notice you. You swerved around him to see his face, he still didn't notice you. Something was in his hands, it looked like a glass ball. Image after image appeared and disappeared with the swipe of his hand. Wasn't he the man in the mirror? What is he doing?

???: You truly suffered from your time away from us. I pity a great being like you. So much power, yet not enough freedom to use it.

Y/n: Hello? Can you hear me?

???: Those humans weren't grateful for what they had. Greedy for more than they could hold, they stole you away. Khuzaimah, how I've missed you.

Y/n: Khuzaimah, where have I heard that before?

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