How to structure PLOT and PACING

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By far the two most requested topics for chapters were plot and pacing, so here's author of the bestselling Dresden Files, Jim Butcher talking about both at the same time! These two articles are MUST READS for all writers. It's mindblowing stuff. I wish I'd found these sooner!

I'm sure most of you have been doing this intuitively already, but having a concrete structure to it will help you go from: "okay I'm gonna do this because it ... feels right? Just 'cause?" to "I'm gonna do this because it will enhance _______ in my story."

Remember, you can only break and manipulate the rules if you know them and understand them. Butcher even touches on this point in his articles too, which makes me a very happy Yuff! :)

There are two articles, so read the Scenes one, then Sequels.



(Look at the first comment on this how-to chapter. I posted the links so you can click them.)

READ THEM. You don't have to follow his formula, but you should always expose yourself to different viewpoints so you can pick and choose the one you like best. For example, I'm not going to follow his formula exactly. I still like my external conflict, resolution, internal conflict, resolution formula because that works for my writing style and my stories. It's actually basically what Butcher does, just put in a different way, organized a little differently.

My way won't work for everyone. Maybe Butcher's formula is more your style, or maybe a combo between his and mine. Or maybe someone else's, or maybe you figured out your own. Whatever your situation is, always strive to try new methods because you might just find something better than what you're currently doing. And if you realize you don't like a new method, you can still learn from it because you now know what not to do with your writing.

Yuffie's Writing How-To'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora