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Found this fantastic idea for creating your own writing prompts around your characters, and it has unlimited possibilities to get you unstuck in your story!

There's the first panel as a picture up top. This site has the full sheet:

(linked to in the external link)

It's insanely cool and 100% customizable to fit your story needs. The first 8 boxes are where you write the name of 8 characters from your story. If you don't have 8 characters, feel free to repeat some.

Then you're given scenarios that make two of the characters interact with each other somehow, and it's a prompt to get you thinking out of the box.

So if I was doing this for VENGEANCE, I might come up with something like: "Takara sees Ianni in the nude." or "Khai picks flowers for Hego." LOL

This is just a template. Feel free to write your own scenarios with different number pairs if you don't like these. Come up with wacky scenarios and use this to randomly throw two (or more) characters into them. You get to explore your characters in a completely new situation. They probably will never be in such a situation in your story, but you might just jog those creative juices and decide these two characters meeting would be EPIC and really add something meaningful to the story.

Have fun!

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