17. Solidify

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Travis Swanson-

I smiled when she finally let me go.

I had all the confidence in the world to tell her what I told her.

She had no reason to feel how she did.

But her feelings were valid and understandable.

She was red and I knew it wasn't from the cold.

"What now?" She asked me.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked.

"Not unless you're coming." She looked up at me.

"Okay. You look sleep deprived." I mumbled.

"A little bit." She nodded.

"I'll walk you to your car." I told her.


I put my phone down when I heard her crying.

I smiled sadly, knowing where she was at in the book.

She put the book down, rolling on her side as she hid her face in her pillow.

"Awe sweetheart it's okay." I moved, rubbing her back.

She shoved her face further into the pillow.

I picked up her book, seeing where she was at.

"It's alright." I didn't know exactly how to console her yet.

I needed her to show me.

She sat up, heaving into the pillow.

The book was a beautiful heartbreak.

And I knew how she felt right now.

I frowned, not knowing what exactly to do yet.

"Come here." I whispered and she wiped her face, it was red and pained as she came to me, her arm's immediately wrapping around my neck as I pulled her lower body to me, her legs straddling my waist.

She held onto me, and I held her.

"Take a break from the book." I told her, grabbing my phone and calling Carm.

"What's up?" He answered.

"Wanna come over and hang with a sad book girl and me?" I asked.

"Duh, totally. I'll bring pizza." He told me.

"Breadsticks and ranch too." I said and he hummed, hanging up.

I rubbed her back, she sat up, wiping her face with her sweater sleeves.

"That's so sad. Fuck." She laughed a bit through her cries.

"I told you." I sighed.

She held onto my hoodie strings.

"Thank you." She whispered.


"Being so good to me." She looked at me and I smiled.

"You make it easy." I told her.

"You're a dream." She mumbled with a grin.

I laughed.

I didn't know how to respond. I was grateful for the consistent reassurance because I'm afraid of doing something wrong.

She looked down at our sitting position.

"How'd I get here?" She really was confused.

"Me." I told her.

My phone rang and I answered, my free hand on her waist.

"Im bringing you your sweats and mine because I bet you're not leaving and I don't wanna be lonely." He said and I laughed.

"Would you mind-"

"Not at all." She smiled.

"Woohoo! Thanks bestie I'll be there soon." He hung up.

I put my phone down and wiped the leftover tears from her face.

She laid her head onto my shoulder, I held her. I wanted this to last forever.

Her hands moved into my hair and I hid a groan as she massaged my scalp.

Nothing felt better.

She was everything right now.

I bit my lip, trying to keep my breathing steady. She sat up, smiling at me.

Her lips, her smile, her sitting on my lap, it was too much.

I shut my eyes, my face falling into the crook of her neck.

I inhaled, my head spinning, my pants shrinking.

She stilled herself of all movements, and I was embarrassed.

"I'll get off if you need me too." She whispered.

I didn't answer, my hands massaging her waist lightly over her sweater.

I didn't want her to move, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I wanted to know.

"No. But you seem to be." She told me.

Her skin was so soft, smelt so good, her collarbone so fragile. She was gorgeous.

"I'm okay." I stood, her grip tightening on me as I let her down slowly.

Her body arched into mine when her feet were on the floor.

As respectful as I was, I was a man with a heavy sex drive. But I'd figure myself out.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Why?" I chuckled, standing up completely to see her when her arms let me go.

"I'm not sure." She blinked, looking down at my groin before looking back up at me.

"I'm fine angel. This should solidify how crazy it is for you to think what you thought earlier about yourself." I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not so worried about that anymore." She smiled.

I hummed, kissing her forehead before knowing Carmen was here.

I opened the door and he blinked.

"You always do that." He frowned.

"I can sense you." I glared.

"Oh I feel special, move hippo." He shoved past me with the pizza and backpack.

"Sleepover!" He smiled when he saw Hailey.

She laughed and hugged him when he put his things down.

"Thank you. I'm starving." She smiled.

"Did you cry?" He questioned.

"Over a book." She nodded and I smiled, listening to their conversation but remaining silent as they got to know each other more.

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