28. Shit Rocked

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Travis Swanson-

I spent the next few days to myself.

Hailey was hanging out with her brothers before they'd leave to travel for their music classes and she wouldn't see them for a while.

If Carmen wasn't with Hudson, he was playing video games or in his classes.

And I liked being by myself.

Not completely like I used to, but I still enjoy it.

Being who I am I wished she called me more, or texted me more. Not out of jealousy or anything, just to hear from her.

But I spent most of my time reading the little black books she let me borrow.

And attempting writing some songs but none of them were good enough.

And doing homework.

But other than that I'm existing in my bed.

I heard knocks on my door.

"Come in." I said and Carmen cracked the door, standing there looking like he got in a fight with a bear.

"What happened to you?" I smiled.

"Hudson happened." He blinked, like he was hypnotized.

I laughed.

"Come sit down." I patted the end of my bed.

"I can't." He whispered.

I cackled, holding my stomach.

"He really fucked you up huh?" I asked.

"You don't understand. That was the best thing that's ever happened to me." He shook his head.

I smiled.

"Does that mean you're officially a bottom now? First time experience?" I winked.

He always claimed to be a top, liking that place.

I knew he was an inner bottom.

"For that man I'm anything." He shook his head.

"Damn. So y'all are together together now?" I asked.

"I think that was his way of asking. Excuse me while I douche my asshole." He almost limped out of my room.

"Tell me when you're out of shock!" I shouted.

"I will!" He yelled back.

I smiled, happy that he was finally getting some.

I've never seen him so rocked after sex. We've lived together since we were 6. And he was a fuck boy alright.

I felt my phone ring and I answered.

"I'm assuming you saw Carmen." Hailey laughed.

"How's Hudson?" I asked.

"Cocky as hell. Connor took a video of Carmen trying to get out of his car but he was limping." She laughed.

"I know that's so funny." I laughed.

"Well I believe they're official now. That's my brothers romantic side. That's all he's got." She sighed.

"Well Carmen seems just fine with it." I shrugged.

"Oh to be in his place." She sighed.

"Hailey." I warned.

"What? A girl can dream of not being left tortured and to only satisfy herself." She said lowly through the phone.

I groaned, palming myself.

"Is that what you did when I left?" I asked.

"Mmhm." She hummed.

"How unfortunate." I smiled.

"How's your day been?" She asked.

"Fine. Yours?" I shrugged.

"Pretty good. Although I had to say bye to Hudson and Connor." I could hear her frown.

"They left already?" I asked.

"Yup. Right after Carmen got his shit rocket. Literally." She laughed.

"Stop! That's so bad." I covered my mouth.

"I love them together. I have to go though. I scheduled an appointment to get my Christmas nails done." She sighed.

"Will I ever see you again?" I joked.

"Maybe one day." She laughed.

"Pfft. Im feeling neglected." I accused.

"Awe it's okay. Jack off your frustrations and think of me. Bye!" She immediately hung up after saying that and I laughed.

This woman.

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