11| A Reminder of Who We Are

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P.O.V Hazel

I think I'm having some sort of crisis. Because one minute I'm Hazel Underwood the girl who knows nothing about hockey.

And the next I'm Hazel Underwood Hockey towns favorite girl.

I didn't matter whether or not I was playing hockey right now. Some how I was constantly reminded.

It had been two weeks since I started school and I was getting into the swing of things.

Wake up, work out, school, come home, mini-mite practice.

I was forming a new routine and I wasnt to thrilled, I was still holding onto my hockey schedule hoping I could bring it back.

I was currently in the come home part of my routine when I had gotten a phone call from a number I didn't know.

Fortunately I wasn't used to getting spam calls. So unfortunately I picked up the phone.

"Hello, Miss. Underwood?"

I held the phone the my ear shifting slightly in my seat.

"Yes, and this is?" I asked being polite as possible.

"Cecilia March, from Hockey Town Daily."

I closed my eyes and threw my head back. God not now, not after everything seemed to be going so well.

"Hi Cecilia, look i'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not exactly in hockey right now." I explained biting the inside of my cheek.

I folded my knees up to my chest as I waited for her response.

"Got it, and when do you plan to be back?" She asked in a reporter voice.

I cursed under my breath, she was conducting a God damn interview. I couldn't afford to have an article about me written and risk having the hockey team see it.

They were becoming good friends. Mick got over his hurt ego and ended up being a good guy. Hayden was a lot like Conner, I'll tell you goalies are a different breed. The defense guys were easy to talk to and though they may have been hard to understand for a non hockey player I understood their language perfectly.

But they all enjoyed making fun of me for not being able to skate. They liked to teach me plays they made in hockey or how their drills worked. Each day they talked about practice and Id liked to imgine I was there with them.

Part of me worried that a small lie to keep me off of the ice would ruin any relationship I had with them.

And then there was Zach. I walked to all of my classes with him, apparently being friends with the hockey captain gave me major street cred. But I enjoyed our little coaching arrangement and suddently I was worried about how everything would turn out if he found out.

God I'd only known him for 3 weeks.

"Look Cecilia, I appreciate the interest in my career but right now I'm not awnsering any questions. Have a good day, ill give you a call when I'm ready to awnser questions." And without letting her say a word I hung up.

I took a deep breath setting my phone down beside me.

I stared at my room, the house silent as I was left with my own thoughts.

My eyes drifted over to my skates in the corner of my room and I fought the urge to chuck them out the window.

My face burned with anger as I looked at them and thought of what a disappointment I was to the hockey world.

Why couldn't I just do it?

Why couldn't I just get on the ice?


Hockey Towns Favorite Girl Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang