30| Together

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POV: Zach 

There are certain feelings I can never shake. Like I will always remember how I felt in that moment. 

Like when I scored my first goal.

Or my first hangover. 

How I felt about my first crush.

It's those everlasting feelings that will always stick in your head.

Like how I felt this weekend, every tiny detail.

How I felt winning our first game of the season was nothing compared to how I felt kissing Hazel in the garage.

How captured my heart was watching her bicker with Mick with that breathtaking smile on her face. Or how my heart was racing when our lips and bodies were connected. That feeling felt engraved in my soul.

But the feeling of meeting Conner at the rink left a bad rap on the feeling from the night before. 

Maybe Conner was a step brother, or adopted, but he and Hazel looked nothing alike. From the body build to the hair color. It triggered the thought in my brain that they weren't siblings. 

And why didn't Conner live with Hazel and her mom if they were only 4 months apart in age? It didn't make sense. 

The part that also bugged me was also the dominance that he gave over Hazel. He was practically screaming at me to stay away from her just by his body language. And with the confusion on if they were actually siblings or not I couldn't tell if it was in a dad/brother way or in a… romantic way.

“I don't know man, I think you might just be paranoid.'' Mick stated with a shrug while taking off his practice jersey. 

“Maybe you're just blind.” I replied, getting irritated. No one else seemed to be bothered by this Conner dude as I was.

And he didnt bug me because I was jealous, he bugged me because he fit Hazel's story… yet something still felt off. I couldn't explain it.

A few questions were left in my head from him. Like why didn't he live with Hazel and Hazels mom, or the way he phrased it “your mom” rather than our mom.

“Maybe he's a step brother or something.” Zane added in 

The whole locker room at this point was listening to me rant to Mick, and they were all taking Hazels side.

“It's cool that he's been in hockey town daily though.” Micah said taking off his chest pads 

Everyone hummed in agreement, but I bit my lip. Maybe I was overthinking it, just because I couldn't lie and say there was no jealousy in my brain. Hazel and Conner seemed close and if it wasn't in a brother sister type way it had to be in a romantic type. 

I looked at  Mick, I guess the same thing could be said about Hazel and Mick. But they were just friends and I knew that.

“Look, why don't you just calm down and go spend the night with Hazel… maybe have a repeat of Friday night.” Mick said with a smirk on his face.

His comment caught the attention of everyone in the locker room and he did that on purpose.

Everyone looked at me in some sort of surprise, their minds instantly entering the gutter.

“Nothing happened Friday night.” I announced, my comment being a lie. 

Truth was despite all the chaos with Conner, I hadn't forgotten the way Hazel's chapstick tasted or the way she rubbed her body into mine. How could I forget?

But me and Hazel didn't find time to talk till after my Sunday practice…. After Conner had left.

“Well something happened Friday night for you to somehow become a jealous boyfriend all of a sudden.” Zane rebutted.

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