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I don't know how long I've been asleep for, but judging by how stiff my neck is and the line of dried drool coming from my mouth, I'd say it's been a while.

I crane my sore neck to the side and look at the dark window.

"How is it still dark?" I mutter to myself grumpily.

"It's not." I jolt at the sound of Ben's voice in the kitchen. "It's dark again."

I sit up straight, my head hurting at the temples. "I slept the whole day?" I say, swiping at my mouth.

"You must have been exhausted." He calls back. "Coffee?"

"Oh!" I jump up from the couch. "Gimme gimme."

I go into the kitchen, shielding my eyes from the bright fluorescent light.

Ben is standing at the kitchen counter beside the fridge, placing a new K-cup into the Keurig.

I drop onto a bar stool at the island and wait impatiently as the coffee maker wines and sputters. I'm not usually big into coffee, but my head is pounding and I need my body to wake up.

"Cream and sugar?" Ben asks, taking the big red mug over to the other counter.

"Both please." I nod. "My head is killing me."

"Here." He says, shuffling through a drawer and passing me a pill bottle of Tylenol and then a glass of water to chase it with.

"Thanks." I greedily take two and swig them down. "Now caffeine." I hold out both hands, waggling my fingers.

Ben grins as he passes me the mug and I take a deep sip, groaning as the warm liquid goes down.

"Not a morning person, huh?" He laughs and I shrug, drinking some more before I set it on the island in front of me.

"Not a morning person." I agree. "Not necessarily a night person either." I add. "Really, barely a person at all."

Ben shakes his head and comes to lean against the side of the island where I'm sitting. "I wouldn't say all that now." He smiles. It's not the first time I notice how pretty his smile is. The man could do toothpaste commercials on the side.

His chin and cheeks are covered with a thin layer of stubble, but you can still see that he has dimples.

"I wish I had dimples." I don't mean to say it out loud, but there it is.

He laughs, looking away. "Don't start." He says.

"What?" I ask, confused.

He just shakes his head. "It's all I ever hear about." He smiles, but you can tell he's holding it in, not letting it show. "It's exhausting."

"Oh poor pitiful, Ben." I mock. "It must be so hard living life so beautiful."

He cuts his eyes at me at the same time I realize I've just called the man beautiful.

"You'd be the one to know." He says under his breath before walking back over to the counter by the fridge.

Yep, I'm not touching that comment with a ten foot pole, but I do hide my smile in my mug as I take another deep swallow of the coffee.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I ask, looking around like she's just going to walk in.

"Give me your phone." He says and I narrow my eyes at him. "Just do it." He laughs.

I slide off of the stool and go back to the couch to search for it, finding it wedged between the cushions.

I walk back to the kitchen and pass it over to him, leaning against the counter beside him to watch over his shoulder as he downloads an app.

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