Chapter 1 - Lawrency

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S.R - Best thing I never had by Beyoncé.

Skipping through the dimly lit almost suffocating two bedroom apartment I now share with my new roommate who replaced Maggie the party stomper, I make my way into the makeshift kitchen installed a few meters away from my room.

Kudos to the unlucky one who gets the other, reason being it shares a thin wall with the washroom, first come first serve sure is a privilege.

Welcoming the new girl in was a task I prepped myself a billion times over for, just because I wasn't accustomed to such encounters and the sheer embarrassment of the dorm room which was occasionally graced with a repulsing smell.

The new emo sophomore settled in with a disgusted look on her palish darkly decorated face which I presume soon turned a bright shade of scarlet due to the stench emitting from the bathroom sink.

In as much as I tried to get the place cleaned up, my efforts always turn out fruitless. That's the state of a low budget university accommodation. They might as well name it a motel.

I tried to hang around incase she needed any help but guilt engulfed me whole I had to slip away without being noticed. Assured she was asleep, I snuck back in.

Quickly, I prepared the one solution that made the place a better breathing space and dumped it into the culprit sink. At least the guilt I feel whenever I see her will lessen.

Being in senior year meant full bulletproof adjustment to whatever you began with, take me for example... in comparison to sophomore emo, my reaction when I first got here was worse.

I smile at the memory whiles casually resting for support against the frail wooden counter, waiting for the kettle to whistle to life.

I brew myself a mug of sugar infused coffee fountained by lots of whip cream with a berry on top.

On my flee of embarrassment last night, I visited my close friend staying two rooms away from mine. Luckily for her, her room was the definition of perfection.

We conversed and giggled like the usual maniacs we are till she brought up Maggie the party stomper...TPS for short.

On one hot Sunday morning, she stopped by our room at the time.

Me thinking she was back to spend the whole day in bed as per usual after partying nonstop, I was surprised when a thick bearded man and a stout Latina woman came in with her. Their faces mixed together is Maggies so my guessing was they're her parents.

All including TPS with no delay packed her belongings and stuffed them into a pickup truck.
They filled the truck like a gallon of bloated milk on heat. I got no chance to say goodbye and they where off like they was never there in the first place.

After that day, news and theories of her sudden disappearance spread out like wild fire ablaze because everyone — and I mean everyone knew Maggie, she was very popular.

I later on got a whiff of the tale theories people came up with regarding her sudden drop out despite the fact that we are a few months away from graduating.

Somehow people thought a whole awkward persona like me had a good relationship with Maggie. They grew more distant if possible, making me totally unaware till Lawrency, one of a hand full of persons who know the true me disclosed the public secret.
Not that I minded living in oblivion anyways.

Maggie and I never had a full out conversation, I don't even know her full name...for all I know, her Maggie could be Maggerita or Margot.

We mostly acknowledged each other with head nods when she was on her way out to conquer her world.
This is where I chip in the over abused "we are two worlds apart" because we most certainly are.

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