chapter 2

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"She could be anywhere by now....." He scratched his head in confusion and frustration "I might need help....but what if she doesn't want that" the male thinks to himself out loud because both decisions are wrong.

" If I get mina and the group yes. It would be easier to find her but she could end up with Bakugou finding her and be terrified but if I just go with mina and sero then the others will get suspicious and come anyways BUT I just go I'll never be able to find her...." The boy sighs and pulls on his hair a little bit "what if I just go the way she went and be back by 10 (pm) piece of cake!" He confidently states

"Well we're burning daylight" he sets off trying to find the girl that was in trouble

|| Y/N POV ||

"I think this is good enough they probably have given up" you sit down to what looks like a man made river sitting down on the side listening to the river flow and the ducks quaking the birds chirping it was....relaxing....

"I wonder who that boy was.... He looked nice and kind his voice was soft and his eyes where.....big and bea..utiful...."welp safe to say that sucks I'll never meet him again" you started to stare into the sun set " shit I need to change my bandages" you mumble in annoyance "but  this will do"....

|| Kirishima POV ||

(Time skip)

It's 10:30 and I've checked everywhere it's past curfew Aizawa is gonna kill me. I think it's just best if I go To the dorms.

|| No one POV ||

Kirishima walking down the road given up for the night "it's best to go home and tell an adult" he hummed in disappointment

(Time Skip)

He walks into the dorms to see the whole class there looking at him "WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU" the loud obnoxious blond yells
Walking over to kirishima and smacking him "Bakugou!" Mina yells in frustration and fear "you can't just walk over and hit him" Kaminari speaks "WELL ITS HIS FUCKING FAULT YALL WHERE ALL WORRIED SICK"

bakugou screeched at the top of his lungs in frustration "yeah guys this is my fault where is Aizawa Sensei? " Everyone looked at kirishima in confusion and shock " h-he is in the classroom he has some work to finish up" stutters out " oh thank you" and with that Kiri walk out of the dorms and what on a quest to find His sleep deprived teacher

Kiri gets to the door and knocks twice *knock knock* "come in" a muffled voice hummed in a calm voice with that Kiri walk in "oh kirishima why are you here and why were you past curfew " Aizawa questione

" Uh well- okay so"

Kirishima explained everything that happened and how he met the girl

"She had bandage and A BUNCH of cutes and her hair was almost black" he continues to explain everything

"Okay....we will help find her but what do you plan to do when we do?" Aizawa asks

"Um....I haven't thought of that yet but it doesn't matter all that matters is that she's safe and out of harms way" kirishima explains "okay....I might have a few options but you go and get some rest since its currently 11 pm you will be exhausted tomorrow so go get some rest" Aizawa says

"yes sir." " Okay good night" and with that he left

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