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The next morning I started feeling more comfortable in the room both alone and with someone.

I saw Gavi still sleeping on the couch, his position looked so uncomfortable I wanted to move him but I can't.

"Psstt Gavi."

"Gavi wake up."

He didn't wake up at last so I took my phone, I don't know how much did I yawn while going through apps but I was still tired.

[Los Chicos🤙]

Guys where's Gavi have you seen him?

did you check the bathroom

yeah nobody's there

He's with me

Damn why's he with you😊

No omd don't think like that

How is he there with you?

I kind of forced him to HELP I couldn't sleep alone

That is cute sorry I had to say

How can I ban ansu

You can't

JJ alba
I slept so amazing

Me too good morning

what time is it

How are you using your phone with a timer and still don't know what time is it

It's 9 am

Y/n wake up Gavi and tell him to come thank you

Ok sir

I had an amazing dream

You scored aswell

No I was sleeping on the snow

Oh nvm


I get up from my bed and walk towards the couch Gavi slept on.

Man this guy is so cute when he's asleep why do I have to ruin it for him. I couldn't resist but to touch his nose, I can't ignore my intrusive intentions.

"Gavi, Pedri wants you back in the room."

He's finally able to open his eyes and look at me for a while, trying to remember how he's here instead of back in his room.

"You have a lash here." He points at his own face instead of mine.

I try to get it off but he showed me his side of right instead of mine so I got confused, in which he finally took it off by himself.

I couldn't but wonder how warm his hands were.

"Pedri wants you back in the room." I say it again hoping he finally understands.

Gavi get's up to head back to his room. "I hope you were able to sleep well." He spoke nicely before putting on his slippers and leaving.

I kept smiling at the fact that he didn't leave, I really would have assumed him leaving somewhere after falling asleep.

Anyway, we'd be later dressed up and heading down where Xavi asks us to meet again.

He gives us the instructions and the plans of today which is eating at a Finnish restaurant and heading to skate or going on a sledding hill.

Most were better excited of the fact that they could go down a hill together cause skating seemed hard but Xavi told them to try to make their feet better in football and to have balance physically and mentally.

We get down looking all covered in thick clothes to keep us a little warm from the cold. Then we start heading to a private restaurant for them to have a taste of a special soup Finnish people love eating.

It's called fish soup, oh yeah have I yet mentioned how great the fishes are in Finland, the fishes around here as so good I wish I could buy plenty and fly away with them.

And as for dessert they were given Christmas stars, those pastries are shaped like stars and served around Christmas time, often as part of the Christmas dinner spread. They are made from puff pastry with a jam filling (usually plum or apple jam) and dusted with icing sugar.

It's super good, half of them haven't heard of it at all or haven't tasted it till today.

I'm glad they were able to eat well and enjoy a loads of foods from around here.

They asked for many recipes that some of them sent later to their families back home to test it themselves.

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