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People little by little started leaving the bus leaving us both kinda hanging there listening to music, as however exhaustion took over I ended up leaning on Gavi's shoulder napping.

"Y/n wake up we're here." I feel two hands waking me up from my nap, I completely had forgotten he came by at some point I didn't even question how.

I was in shock but it felt like i wasn't. We left the bus and started walking towards my house. I had no motivation to speak or actually even walk right now.

"How did you even go to that bus?" I still ask.

"You don't gotta know."

"But I want to"

"Are you still tired?" Gavi changes the entire topic.

I nod, hence he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him somewhere I was confused and I tried telling him I can't run couple times but he insisted I'd try a few minutes more.

We finally stop at a small park I've never seen but it's yet really close to my house. There were two swings Gavi pointed at and smiled as he was trying to catch his breath.

"Let's go there come on"

I sigh as i didn't want to ruin what was cute right now. Gavi waits till i sit first and starts swinging me around making me laugh.

"Stoppp Gavi I'm not holding well, hold on"

"It's your fault if you fall then"

"How is it my fault" i laugh sounding weak but still managing. His energy next to me felt like a bond fire, warm and really energetic. His presence made me sleepy but in a good way, I'd feel awake Ofcourse but his voice is soothing.

He finally sits on the other swing waiting for my swing to slow its pace down a little.

"What's the occasion why are we here so late? Won't your parents get mad?" I ask still going back and forth.

"Nope, i got you something"

My face light up. "Gavi you keep getting me stuff don't forget about yourself too?"

He opens his hands to reveal a shirt with a number 8.

I had a shocked face expression as i was able to read the name 'Griezmann' on it.

Instead of taking the shirt I get up, I almost tripped but I still got up and gave a huge hug for Gavi, it made me so happy that he actually cared for me like that even tho he was strongly against talking with the others, he was still able to get his shirt for me."

"Gavi I would've been much happier with your shirt, I'm going to cry." I spoke still hugging him so tight almost actually killing him on the spot.

"Sure I'll give you mine tomorrow."

I kiss his cheek not once but I don't know man I didn't count, he deserves much more and he's only holding a shirt that made me happy.

"Do you wanna wear it?"


"What?? Why?"

"I wanna wear yours first, after that I'll wear others's"

Gavi stayed quiet and looked at me.

"What?" I was confused

He shyly laughed as he heard my sentence, as if it meant a lot for him for me to wear his shirt first.

"I'm sorry Gavi i didn't get you anything Huge but I was hungry at the shop and I bought you a donut." I handed it to him from my bag.

"You didn't have to bother yourself y/n you could've ate this."

I hit him on the arm "you'll eat it right now infront of me."

"Damn okay woman." He laughs, caressing his arm that I just hit.

"I need my foot massage like right now."

"Gavi we're outside what the fuck"

"Yes you hit my foot and now you hit my arm how dare you." He looks at me, pissed at the fact that I can just hit him.

"Okay I'm sorry i won't hit you again I'm actually hurting you."

"No you can hit me but just a little softly, you're so strong."

"IM STRONGGG" i flex my non bulky arms as he's still laughing.

"Here." Gavi gives me half of the donut.

"What no it's for you?"

"Okay if it's mine i get to share it with whoever"

"Okay give me it."

I don't know what time it was, but it was beautiful type of late, a blue hour sky and just us swinging and talking. This is everything i want. I want it to last forever.

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