Sunny Day

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You slowly let yourself drift out of dreamworld and back into reality. Soft wind bristles your arms, which both lie atop the light comfortor that embraces the rest of your figure. You open your eyes, taking in the soft orange and yellow hues of sunlight radiating onto your bed and the floorboards around it- dust floating calmly in the breeze. 

You roll your head over, checking the time. The clock on your bedside table reads 5:15 AM. It's about time to get up.

You stretch, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, and go about your usual morning routine, beginning with a nice warm shower and ending in choosing your wardrobe and a light touch of makeup. 

You decide to sport an airy blue dress with white Mary Jane pumps, which are adroned with little silver buckles. Taking a quick survey in the mirror, you head downstairs. 

You never thought caring for the Bagge's would be such a pleasant experience, especially when it came to Muriel. She was such a sweet lady. Always had a smile on her face and ready to lend a hand, even when you didn't need it. Except for maybe, when Eustace got annoyed with you, which happened quite often. You didn't blame him, though. Living squat in the middle of nowhere has been difficult to get used to. Being here for only a few months is enough to make you feel a wee bit crazy- you find it hard to imagine what spending your whole life out here would do to you.

You open the fridge and grab a carton of eggs, placing them on the counter and turning on the stove. You try to be as silent as you can whilest cooking, not wanting to prematurely wake the couple sleeping upstairs. Soon the savory aromas of bacon and scrambled eggs find your nose, and you can't help but steal a rasher or two when setting the table. 

Eustace and Muriel, along with their little dog, Courage, enter the kitchen as you place down the last fork and cloth napkin, heading to fill the doggy bowls with fresh kibble and water next.

"Oh my. It smells absolutely wonderful in 'ere," Muriel cooed. "What a lovely display!"

Eustace takes a sniff, sitting down. "Yeah, it's whatever. Nothin' too fancy." You find it difficult not to laugh when he begins to greedily devour his food before Muriel even gets the chance to take her seat.

Muriel turns to you, clasping her hands in front of her sun-yellow dress. "'Yer always so generous; goin' above and beyond with everythin' around the house," Her Scottish accent is as thick and sweet as honey. "I think you deserve a break today."

"Oh no, Muriel, I couldn't!" Even though a break from housework sounds heavenly, you think this is the right thing to say. Thankfully, she insists, allowing you enough decency to finally give in without feeling like you're scamming the kind lady out of a day of paid labor. 

She places her hand on your shoulder, as if she could see the tint of guilt in your eyes. You instinctively flinch. "Shit. I hope she didn't notice. I don't wanna scare the poor woman." 

You wished you weren't so jumpy. You really didn't mean to be, the reflex had just come naturally to you your whole life. Whenever somebody got too close or unexpectedly touched you, it was like a tiny alarm rang from somwehere in the back of your brain. You couldn't always control what you did next.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to pay any mind. "No need to feel sorry for taking the day off, deary. We're expecting som' company, anyway, and I'd like for you to meet 'em. I bet you two'll get along just swell!"

Eustance angrily mumbled something from behind his newspaper. The only word you're able to make out being "freak". You shrug it off, Eustace may not like this fellow Muriel was talking about, but it's not as though he fancied anybody anyway. 

You put on your best smile. "I can't wait to meet them." 

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