It's Been A Long, Long Time

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In the kitchen now, tea kettle whirring on the stove, you finally hear the familiar noise of the backdoor burst open. Eustace clomps inside with Muriel trailing not far behind. You let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding.

"Gah. Quiet that screamin' pot, will ya?" Eustace coarsley ordered. "And when's that little freak gettin' here? Think he's a no-show, eh?" He chuckled to nobody in particular. "Wouldn't that be a surprise?"

I casually lift my pointer finger, guiding their attention to the living room. "He arrived a couple minutes ago. I let him know you'd be back shortly." 

Muriel made her way to the room over. "Thank ya, deary." Eusace grumbled grumpily to humself but followed suite. 

"Oh, gee. I forgot to ask how him he likes his tea."

You pour about a teaspoon-worth of honey into the steaming mug.

"Hopefully I don't screw this up, too."

You make your way into the living room, finding Muriel sitting across from her nephew, engaged in what sounded like a nice conversation between two lifelong friends.

You timidly clear your throat to garner his attention, standing beside him and holding out the warm mug, not wanting to over-intrude. 

"Here you go-..."

"Fred." He gently released the mug from your hands, still smiling. He slowly brought it to his nose and closed his eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of Ecalyptus and honey. "Thank you for the tea."

You can't help but smile back. "Ah. Well, anytime, Fred." You ever-so-slightly emphasize his name as you say it, taking in what you'd just learned.

His eyes linger on you for longer than you think they should. It's discreet, but you swear you caught him briefly surveying your body.

Muriel is the first to break the ice.

"Fred, dear. You must be exhausted. Would you care to freshen up?"

Fred finally averts his eyes from you, landing them on Muriel. "That would be wonderful. It was quite the trip here."

Muriel turns to you. "(Y/n), would you care to show Fred the bathroom?" Your heart began to beat faster, though the change in pace was so slight that you hardly noticed.

You give her a rosey-cheeked smile. "Of course. I'd be happy to," What's the harm? You had to grab something from the medicine cabinet anyway. 

"Right this way." You gesture for Fred to follow along as you lead him up the aged wooden steps. They creak under your combined weight. You can feel his eyes boring into the back of your head and along your body, although you choose to not turn around in worry of where you may- or may not-  find his lingering stare.

It felt like a million years, but you finally reach the bathroom. You pull the door-handle, expecting it to open with relative ease. It doesn't budge. Letting out an awkward half-laugh, half-sigh, you pull again, with more force this time, and- thankfully- it gives. You find this odd, but say nothing.

You allow Fred to enter first, knowing it will only take a second to find what you're looking for in the medicine cabinet. You let go of the door and step inside, reaching for the miniature knob on the wooden edge of the mirror. 

"Hey, wait! That door is-"



You barely can make out Eustace's tired breaths from the other side of where the door slammed shut, obtruding your exit. "Broken," He gasped, defeated. 

Freaky Fred x Reader (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now