birth of a mockingbird

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Do you remember book fair? Where we would buy those amazing books on random topics, they would always be so interesting to read, those were the books i could finish in two days without any interruptions while my school textbooks would remain untouched, I have a similar feeling reading this book of crystal magic. It didn't feel like reading textbooks, it felt like reading a comic, or a fantasy novel at best. And it didn't take me long to finish it and master my basics on crystal arts. That's what I liked to call it, which made me one step closer on becoming master of the crystal arts.

Do you know the best part? Now i could move onto other books,

"Rituals of crystal magic?"

"Yep." I answer to the librarian before he leads me inside in the library, and let me make it clear that there are tons and tons of books, this place was a heaven for book worms,

We reached a corner of library that had a different section of books separated from others,

"Let me see." Said Ezra, the librarian. A man I came to respect over time, he was a typical happy go lucky guy in his middle age, it was nice to have him around because he would always help with books.

He recognised the one I requested for and took out it of chains before handing me,

"Here you go, kid."

"Thank you Mr. Khan...why are these kept separately?" I asked.

"This whole division belongs to crystal magic, no one ever reads them."

"Well, not anymore. I'll be coming around more frequently now."

"I realised that..." he smiled, "...It's all sanskrit, can you read it?" He asked me,

"I can, i learned it in school actually..." I said as we started walking, "never thought I'd need to apply it in real life."

"Don't ever turn your back from knowledge, you never know when you need it." He suggested.

"I'll keep that in mind." I answered with a smile before leaving.

It has been a week barely and in all my honesty I had taken a liking to this place, it was peaceful and there was no threat, everyday there was a new task to look upto instead of repeating the same cycle every single day as if I was back in school or college. Another thing was that I didn't know anyone from here, i didn't know what would happen to them....well, most of them so there was no guilt of hiding something important. I think i missed finding strangers which i never thought I would.

I was walking to training grounds to start my practice with this new book, there were also other people walking around everywhere going about their own day, i started to recognise some of them even,

"Morning, Luther." I greeted another student passing by,

"Good morning, Diya." He replied happily as we kept on walking towards our destination.

"Good morning, solanki."

"Morning, master Alvan."

"Where are you with your training?" He asked stopping by,

"I finished the basics, moving on with something new hopefully."

"Good luck with that." He answered before walking away, he was one of those people who were interested in my magic, those who knew about how rare this was were quite interested all the time.

It didn't take me long to reach where I wanted to, i liked to read under this tree which was surrounded by a peaceful aura always, it would help me focus all the time.

But I wasn't alone, what I liked the most is that I had someone to share this place with,

"Hey Miky!" I called out to the person already sitting under the tree with his arms crossed over his chest and back resting against tree's bark with eyes closed.

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