Chapter 39

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    The wings of the plane flew towards the clouds, and returned through the clouds. When it landed slowly, the outside of the cabin changed to the northern winter scene. After gliding, Qu Yanting closed the book unhurriedly. The book cover is simple, and the content is about traditional folk crafts.

    Qu Yanting took her bag out of the cabin, and when she stepped into the connecting bridge, the chill hit the sky. The wind has really cooled down in the past two days.

    Yu Nan came to pick him up, holding the hot coffee he bought while stuck in his hand, and when he saw him coming out, he waved and shouted enthusiastically: "Boss! I'm here!"

    Qu Yanting approached calmly, took the coffee, and said indifferently. Like a ruthless capitalist, he pushed his assistant back and forth before uttering: "I'm thin."

    Yu Nan smiled bitterly. During these days, he ran every day, crossing more than ten kilometers to feed Qu Yanting's cat and water the flowers. More than a dozen kinds of flowers and plants are very delicate, not to mention cat feces, shoveling once smoked him so much that he couldn't eat for two days.

    He said from the bottom of his heart: "Boss, I miss you so much."

    "It's been hard work." Qu Yanting said so, stuffed the bag into Yu Nan's arms, and took a stroll in the courtyard with his hands on his coffee.

    Picking up the car and leaving the airport, it was already afternoon, Qu Yanting went home directly, the car slid into the road, and Yu Nan reported the work arrangement for tomorrow.

    There will be a meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Qu Yanting took a sip of the sweet mocha and said, "Morning tea is ordered. I'll invite you."

Entering the bustling urban area, the concrete forest is in full bloom with colorful signs, and you can eat delicacies from all corners of the country, China, West, Japan, and South Korea. Qu Yanting said thoughtfully: "Let's eat preserved egg and lean meat porridge."

    An hour later, the car arrived at The west gate of the community stopped, and Qu Yanting arrived home.

    He lives in a high-end residential area that has been around for a long time. It used to be a famous real estate with many lakes and deep trees, but now the walls of the building are old, and it is hidden in the shade of dense trees. .

    Qu Yanting lived on the ninth floor, with two households on one floor, and the neighbors were an empty-nest couple.

    The door lock was turned, and as soon as he entered the middle of the small hall, Commander Huang was squatting roundly on the floor, with a long beard and shiny hair, and his body was covered in solid flesh. He had been waiting for the sound of footsteps for a long time.

    Seeing that the head of the household came back, it jumped onto the suitcase excitedly.

    When Qu Yanting entered the room, the moment the door was knocked, the lone goose returned to its nest, and every nerve relaxed. He picked up Commander Huang and weighed it. The little beast seemed to be getting heavier.

    Qu Yanting once explained that there was some chaos in the house, and Yu Nan obediently left it alone, and everything was still the same as it was before he left. He put down the cat and went around each room.

    Two-bedroom, simple and modern decoration style, a small square hall at the entrance, and an entire ecological tank against the wall. The landscaping is player-level, designed by Qu Yanting himself.

    The small bedroom is used as a study room, which stores a lot of treasures, including books, out-of-print DVDs, projectors, photography equipment, and various Lego and models piled up in the corners.

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