Chapter 61

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    On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Qu Yanting went to Zishan Mingzhu for a banquet. The weather was not too cold, so he wore a mid-length, narrow lapel wool coat, and a pearl gray turtleneck sweater inside.

    Holding the steering wheel with his left hand, the silver ring on his ring finger gleamed slightly, Qu Yanting honked the horn, waited for the nanny to open the door, and drove the car straight into the garage.

    There was a scent in the villa, and it was the steamed Buddha jumping over the wall in a sealed pot. Wang Mingyu was picking out the tableware in front of the side cabinet, when he heard footsteps shouting: "Yanting is here? You are tall, help me take it."

    Qu Yanting went over and put He took down a set of gold-rimmed crystal plates and said, "Is this the birthday present I gave you last year?"

    "Well, I haven't had a chance to use it." Wang Mingyu asked, "You came back yesterday?

    " In the urban area, the car dealership is closed, so I wiped the car by myself, and I was so tired that I went to bed without dinner."

    Wang Mingyu was indeed in a good mood, like an ordinary mother: "Go and see the menu, there is still time to add something "

    Qu Yanting did not burden the auntie nanny, there was a snack box on the coffee table, he sat down to eat, and opened a bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers along the way. Bordeaux white grape, a gift from the partner of the studio, and the irises were cut on the balcony.

    Wang Mingyu put the flowers in a vase and chatted, "How about picking the wind?"

    "Not bad, the local scenery is also good." Qu Yanting said, "The script fills in the gaps and I will show it to you."

    A car stopped at the gate of the garden, and the guests arrived as promised to. Qu Yanting greeted Wang Mingyu on the porch, took a few deep breaths, and smiled just right.

    Six people came one after another, all over half a century old, and they were all top seniors in the industry. These people are not only screenwriters, but also the vice president of the Film Literature Society, the chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the director of the Art Office.

    The last one came late, Du Changhan, who first worked in the chief editor's office of the state-owned film studio, and was later transferred to the general political art troupe. Now he is the chairman of the screenwriter working committee of the Radio and Television Association and the vice chairman of the Television Association.

    Wang Mingyu greeted him warmly: "Mr. Du, everyone is here, and you are the last one."

    Du Changhan is not dressed like an old pedant, but more like an old British gentleman, with a neatly trimmed goatee, framed mirror, and a hoarse old voice: "I'm getting older, move slowly."

    His muddy eyes moved to Qu Yanting's body , Du Changhan joked, "whose child is so handsome, come to welcome me, a bad old man."

    Wang Mingyu said, "my apprentice, have you forgotten?"

    Qu Yanting stretched out his hands at the right time. , when he won the Outstanding Screenplay Award that year, he had a relationship with Du Changhan.

    "Mr. Du, happy new year." Du

    Changhan shook his hand back: "You won the award that year..."

    Qu Yanting smiled and said, "You are the chief judge." After

    entering the room, Wang Mingyu entertained everyone to the small teahouse in the side hall. The tea smoke was rising, but Du Changhan was not interested. He had heard that Wang Mingyu had a set of out-of-print ancient books, and wanted to open his eyes.

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