iii. day three

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tuesday, day three

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tuesday, day three

"A SNACK AFTER TRAINING is the best thing ever," you said to yourself, skipping to the common rooms kitchen.

rummaging through the pantry, you noticed that there was no snacks to even consider eating. grumbling, you bent down and opened the fridge. once again, there wasn't anything appetizing.

you groaned, closing the fridge door and collapsed on the floor in a starfish position. you were too lazy to get back up, accepting your fate of becoming a new kitchen mat.

"are you okay l/n?"

you groaned, looking up to see your bi-colored friend looking down at you. he had already changed out of his uniform and into a simple graphic t-shirt and khaki pants.

"i'm doing fine and dandy todoroki, thank you for asking," you mumbled sarcastically.

"you're a terrible liar," he stated.

"it's called sarcasm."

he rolled his eyes, bending down. "why are you on the floor?"

"it's actually pretty comfy. you should try it," you mentioned, motioning for him to join you.

he sighed, laying down on the kitchen floor opposite of you. both of your heads were next to one another, mindlessly staring at the ceiling above.

"you were right, the floor is pretty comfortable," he admitted.

you smugly grinned. "i'm never wrong."

"you were wrong about winning yesterday."

"i don't wanna hear it, totoro."

he shot you a glare. "totoro? from that one movie?"

you grinned goofily. "hell yeah. that's you're new nickname."

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