Banquet in Palace 2

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After finishing their meal Huángdì ,crown prince, 2 nd Prince and Wang Zhang is talking

While Hua hua is feeling a little board

She whisper in Wang Zhang's ear

" Weii !! I am board I want to go out "
Wang Zhang in a normal voice " Okk but don't go to far "

Hua hua smilingly " Okk "

She gets up and leave from the behind as everyone is taking there  it might be impolite to walk directly infront of them .

Wang Zhang is smiling by seeing her .

Hua hua walked out from court hall and Feng Qing notice that and also came outside with an excuse.

While walking in garden

Hua hua " wowww there are so many beautiful flowers!!! "

By taking a deep breath ~~" Such a fresh smell hehhe "Hua hua is very pleased by the air which is filled with smell of different flowers.

Fang Qing " Huhh by snatching my Wang Zhang ga ga she is so happy"

Yi niao ( daughter of a official) " Yess we must need to teach her a lesson"

Fang Qing " Yess I will definitely going to teach her a lesson "

She suddenly noticed a maid and called her and whisper something on her ear

That same  palace maid greet her

Maid " 6th Princess There is a pond of lotus , do you like to go there "

Hua hua " Yesss !!"

Palace maid "okk just follow me "

Hua hua " okk "

By pointing at that Small Crossing bridge

" There it is , I have some work than I am leaving first just you can enjoy  "

Hua hua " okk just go "

Hua hua is standing on the corner of bridge to see the lotus flower.

Suddenly she notice a shadow in the water that was just behind her

Hua hua " someone is going to push me !!"

As soon as Fang Qing  tries to push Hua hua she moved from her place .And that she  herself fell in the water .

Hua hua in a loud voice " Who are you ?? Why did you tries to push me ??"

Yi niao " Aaa Fang Qing Xiǎojiě fell into the water !! Come and help !!"

Some eunuchs came to rescue her

And palace maids are also very panicked as she is the crown princess sister.

When they rescue her from pond

Hua hua came close to her and whisper in her ear " You are that Fang Qing !! You deserve it , try to push me from bridge? Dream on " 

Feng Qing in a furious voice " Rong Yun !! It's you who push me down "

Hua hua " Aiyoo !! Don't you know you must need evidence to accuse someone ? There are so many palace maids here , they all witnessed that who try to push whom "

Feng qing " Youuu ! "

Hua hua " Huhhh you should go and changed other wise you will catch cold fang Qing mei mei hehe "

Feng Qing from behind

" Rong Yun I'm never going to forgive you "

Hua hua look behind and make a weird face

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