paper plane in Chang an

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Ministry of rites

Wang Zhang is sitting on his table and checking the documents

Lao lin " wei !! Do you know about banquet??"

Wang Zhang " Humm I know huangdi is specially throwing this banquet for Rong Yun and me "

Lao lin " Than why are you so calm ??"

Wang Zhang " is there something to be worried"

Lao lin with a little anxiousness " Bro bro don't you know about your own wife ??"

Wang Zhang become a little suspicious and stopped reading and expecting to hear something more from lao lin

Lao lin "  in past your wife used to be  a reckless , rude and ungentle girl but now she is totally different what if they suspect that you married a fake Rong Yun ??"

Wang Zhang sigh on relief and said " Don't talk nonsense and don't tell me you came in my house so early just for this ?"

Lao lin " Obviously I was worried what if someone accuse Sister-in-law"

Wang Zhang " Don't worry everyone knows that a Yun gets hurt on her head that's why even her behavior is changed now no one will suspect anything, they will think she is behaving good for that injury "

Lao lin " Humm make sense "

Wang Zhang to himself " He is so worried about us should I tell him about Hua hua ??"

Lao lin " Than ok I'm going on my work I will not heldup you anymore "

He stand up and just about to leave and suddenly Wang Zhang stopped him

Wang Zhang" Lao lin "

Lao lin " Aaa ?? Do you have something to say ??"

Wang Zhang while keeping quite for a moment " Humm "

Prince Manor

Hua hua is sitting on a pavilion and enjoying her peanuts and cakes

Hua hua " prince manor is so beautiful !! And this pavilion beside lake is just too perfect just like dramas heheh "

Xiao ai " Obviously 6th princes manor is one of the most beautiful manor in whole Chang an "

Hua hua by looking at her " Why are you still here didn't I said you to go back home "

Xiao ai " Master is worried about you and asked me to stay with you "

Hua hua smilingly" Father is so good to me "

Xiao ai " Hmm Xiǎojiě "

Hua hua " But I'm so board here "

Xiao ai " Xiǎojiě do you want to play ??"

Hua hua " Aii good idea !! How about I teach you something fun "

Xiao ai with excitement" Ok ok !!"

Hua hua " go and bring some papers "

Xiao ai" I'm going right now "

Xiao ai bought some beautiful colouring paper " Xiǎojiě here it is , what will you make ??"

Hua hua " Boat and plane "

Xiao ai with wonder " Xiǎojiě boat I understood but plane ?? What is that ??"

Hua hua " something from my world , just watch me "

Hua hua than made some planes ans Xiao ai so excited that she even called xie tin to saw those planes

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