Chapter 30 - Plans

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With the counsel meeting adjourned, the companions gathered in Sevhalim's rooms to discuss their next move.

"Rea is not stupid," Iksthanis said, "and our assumptions may be wrong. There are other roads to Jana Val, and she may bypass Tal P'Nir entirely. Someone should go after her. Track her. Even if we cannot hope to catch her up, at least we will know where she has gone and send word if things should change."

"I agree," Sev said quietly. "We must plan for the worst, even as we hope for the best." He stood at the tall windows, his hands clasped behind him and his back to the others as he gazed out over the darkened valley. "Zenír, what does your second sight reveal?"

Galen looked to the thin man at Iksthanis's side, but Zenír's unfocused gaze remained troubled, and he slowly shook his head.

"It remains dark, Omalan. However..." He reached for Iksthanis's hand, and the larger man grasped it, his gaze lowered in modest embarrassment.

At the long pause, Sev turned from the windows to look at them. "Yes? You've finally admitted your feelings for one another. What of it?"

"I believe our place is here," Zenír said, his expression easing. "A vision once showed me a future in which 'Thanis and I lived in happiness, in a place of great beauty, removed from the world. From what I have heard described of it, I believe that place is here."

"You want to stay, then?" Sev asked. "What if you're wrong, and the Order sends an army?"

Iksthanis shook his head. "Wrong or right, a wise man knows when to rest and when to fight. I am not fit to fight, Sevhalim. I will be a burden to you; I will slow you down and jeopardize your mission. I would give my life for you, but to accompany you further now would be a disservice, not a boon. My wound may be healed, but my strength is not recovered. If, however, the Order sends soldiers to the Haven, by that time I will be ready, and I will be here to defend it."

Sevahlim was silent for a long time, but at last, he nodded.

"Very well. In truth, I have been thinking the same thing. Galen will remain here as well."

"What?" Galen had been sitting beside Behn on the edge of the bed, and now leapt to his feet. "Why?"

Sevhalim frowned. "Because you are the p'yrha, and whether or not what we have learned here is true, you must be protected. I am no longer the best suited to do so. The Hands here will guard you, and even if I fail to stop Rea before she reaches the Order, the Haven itself may be the safest place in Sakkara — at least for now. Besides, once they break through to the Dweller realm, Anira and the others may learn more about the Heart of Sakkara — what it is and how it works, and who knows what else. This is the best place for you to be."

"You really trust them, then?" Obi asked. "Anira and the others?"

Sev nodded. "They are good people. They did not have to save Iksthanis, but they did. They did not have to bring us here, but they did. Anira did not have to share what she knows with Rea and me, but — to her detriment — she did. We can trust them to do the right thing, and as long as that is also our intention, we can trust them to help us."

"The 'right thing' isn't always something everyone agrees on, though," Obi pointed out. "A few days ago, you were convinced the 'right thing' was to bring Galen to the Order."

"The 'right thing' is that which does the least harm to the greatest effect," said Sev. "The Order teaches us that, which is why we... why I must discover the truth."

Obi raised his brows. "Oh yeah? And what if it turns out the 'right thing' is to sacrifice the p'yrha, after all?"

Sev's expression hardened, and he looked away. "Then you will discover the limits of my altruism. In the meantime, you're our best tracker, besides Rea herself, so you should get after her as soon as—"

Healer of SakkaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora