124.He Was Still So Happy After Being Slapped

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Their father was indeed a b*stard. When he was in love with Wu Tong, he would swear an oath of eternal love. When he tired of her, he would leave the money and disappear without a trace.

“I know that you’re a good child.” Wu Tong smiled in relief and took a step forward to hug him. “I was really scared when I couldn’t find you. I thought you didn’t want me as your mother anymore.”

This was the first time Yeonjun had ever been hugged by his mother. This strange feeling made Yeonjun’s entire body stiffen, and it was like his blood was frozen. He stood rooted to the ground in a daze and held his breath. He was afraid that everything in front of him was a beautiful dream that would disappear with just a gentle breath.

“I, I didn’t…” Yeonjun muttered to himself. “I was just afraid that you would be angry, so I didn’t dare to tell you.”

“As long as you’re not abandon me, I’ll be very happy.” Wu Tong lay on Yeonjun’s shoulder and cried. Her voice was choked with sobs. “I know that I didn’t treat you well in the past. I have already repented. Yeonjun, I will learn to be a good mom. Can you give me a chance?”

Yeonjun closed his eyes and was silent for a long while before he slowly stretched out his hand and hugged Wu Tong tightly. It was as if he was hugging an illusory dream. His eyes were slightly red as he said hoarsely, “Okay.”

The mother and son hugged each other and cried bitterly. It was only at night that Wu Tong finally left reluctantly.

After sending Wu Tong away, Yeonjun’s eyes flashed with a light that he had never seen before. He grinned and returned to the living room.

“Yeonjun.” Tzuyu looked worriedly at the clear palm print on his face. She asked carefully, “Are you alright? Does it hurt?” After he said that, she pointed at Yeonjun’s cheek.

Wu Tong’s slap was obviously full of strength. His cheek was slightly bruised. There were also a few bloody scratches from the fingernails. Hearing Tzuyu’s words, Yeonjun subconsciously touched his cheek and his gaze darkened for a moment. However, he quickly smiled again with pure joy. “It’s alright, I didn’t hurt.”

“Idiot.” Jieun frowned and muttered, “You’re still so happy after getting slapped. I really don’t know what kind of bewitching potion that woman gave you.”

“Fourth Sister,” Yeonjun retorted with a straight face, “Don’t talk about my mother like that. She’s not having it easy either.”

“Alright, alright, alright. She’s not having it easy. She had a really tough time.” Jieun did not want to argue with him and was too lazy to listen to his infuriating words. “I won’t say anymore, alright?”

She had never met a woman who lived more comfortably than Wu Tong. She had dropped out of school early and clung onto their father’s lap. When her husband was still alive, she let him take care of her. After she gave birth to a son, she let her son take care of her after her husband died. She just played cards every day, beautified herself, and went shopping with her sisters. She was living a carefree life every day.

Yeonjun could not even see such obvious thing. He clearly looked like a smart child, but when he met that woman, it was as if he had been bewitched. If not for their father’s will stipulating that they had to be 18 years old before they could use their shares, Yeonjun’s shares would have been swindled away by that woman long ago.

However, what did the matter between the mother and son have to do with her? Jieun took a sip of her juice and made a dull sound.

Yeonjun did not seem to notice her attitude. he was still wearing a dazzling smile and said, “I had dinner with my mother when I sent her home just now. You don’t have to call me for dinner. I’ll go upstairs now.”

Looking at Yeonjun’s jubilant back, Lisa’s eyes were filled with worry. “Is Yeonjun going to be okay?”

“A child won’t grow up without a fall.” Jungkook lowered his eyes, his expression cold. “He’ll know the pain when he hit the wall. He will learn his lesson.”

What Jungkook said was true, but it was always unbearable to see. Lisa let out a low sigh, “The flowers in the greenhouse can’t withstand the wind and rain.”

Seeing that Lisa was worried, Jungkook held her hand and said, “Like that orchid. It was carefully taken care of by others. That’s why it’s on the verge of death when it encounters a little wind and rain.”

“I got it.” Lisa quickly adjusted his mood. “Let him be. We can’t protect him forever. We have to let them grow up on their own.”

The two of them reached an agreement and did not mention this matter again.

This period of time was the happiest time in Yeonjun’s life. Every night, he would call his mother for half an hour. After studying at home and finishing his homework, he could still exercise with his sister-in-law and grow flowers. This kind of fulfilling and peaceful life finally cheered up the depressed youth.

Time flew by. Three months passed in the blink of an eye. Lisa wore a sportswear that made it easy for him to move. With a shovel filled with soil in her hand, she excitedly announced, “Good news, that orchid has produced a small flower bud today!”

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